On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 04:08:50PM +0100, Keith MARSHALL wrote:
> >>  since a diversion isn't paginated until it is flushed out,
> >>  how would we capture TOC entries, with proper page number
> >>  references, while collecting the main body diversion?
> >
> > Simple: you create a temporary page diversion for collecting
> > text.  When that is full, you increment your own page counter,
> > divert-append the page diversion to the body diversion, clear
> > the page diversion, and continue collecting more text in the
> > page diversion...
> Ok.  I think I get the idea.  Presumably you would use a diversion
> trap at the physical page length, less the header an footer margins,
> to detect when the page diversion is full?  But would that not get
> horribly complicated, when considering the effect of footnote
> diversions and other types of keep.

Can a diversion be spit out and fed to another one?  I understand the
current issues being discussed and agree they are issues.  But I also
understand that roff doesn't do widow/orphan processing and the obvious
(?) way to do that would be with diversions.  Or so I think.  But you'd
need to layer them.
Larry McVoy                lm at bitmover.com           http://www.bitkeeper.com

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