>>  since a diversion isn't paginated until it is flushed out,
>>  how would we capture TOC entries, with proper page number
>>  references, while collecting the main body diversion?
> Simple: you create a temporary page diversion for collecting
> text.  When that is full, you increment your own page counter,
> divert-append the page diversion to the body diversion, clear
> the page diversion, and continue collecting more text in the
> page diversion...

Ok.  I think I get the idea.  Presumably you would use a diversion
trap at the physical page length, less the header an footer margins,
to detect when the page diversion is full?  But would that not get
horribly complicated, when considering the effect of footnote
diversions and other types of keep.

I guess, if implementing something like this, we wouldn't be using
it in conjunction with the `ms' or `mm' macros.


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