> > Below is a small perl script which does that.  Note that it
> > doesn't `fake' glyphs, this is, it doesn't construct, say,
> > `Amacron' from an `A' and a `macron' glyph.  Any volunteer for
> > this?
> It seems the following function is what you are looking for:
> $NFC_string = NFC($string)
> returns the Normalization Form C (formed by canonical decomposition
> followed by canonical composition).

No, this is a misunderstanding.  I want a library of artificial
characters which combines base characters and accents to composite
characters, e.g.

  .fchar \[u0041_0304] \Z'<shift \[a-] to the right position>'A
  .fchar \[-A] \[u0041_0304]

Those macros should work for all platforms and -- if possible -- for
all typesetting devices.  Most device specific startup files already
have support for that, e.g., `.ps-achar' or `.dvi-achar'.  Using these
macros the repertoire should be extended to cover a broad range of
Unicode characters.


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