On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 09:45:44AM +0100, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> Aah, I see.  Can you do a survey which characters for la and ra could
> be used also, this is, what popular UTF8 console fonts actually have?
> It should be straightforward to add a fallback character with `.fchar'
> to tty.tmac:
>   .fchar \[la] <
>   .fchar \[ra] >
> perhaps using something `better' than `<' and `>'.

The tty.tmac approach hadn't occurred to me before. Could we do that for
\[hy] and \[mi] too? Console fonts almost never seem to have multiple
hyphen/dash-like characters, I guess because with 512 glyphs available
(as in the case of the Linux console) it isn't worth it.


Colin Watson                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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