Robert -- no worries. I appreciate the supportive comments. Sorry
for the confusion. I realized the suggestions were far too long and
redundant to be helpful, and I was a little embarrassed by them
after Ian pointed out that the LLM output was flat out wrong.

Laelem --

Once you've made file global, the pinning will do nothing more to help.
That is, I think you can safely remove the use runtime.Pinner for the global
variable `file`.

When I load your example with 100 clients in parallel, I still see the 
free(): invalid pointer and SIGABRT: abort  panic/shutdown.

I think you've got bigger issues to resolve in the wolfssl library though.
It does not appear to be able to send messages of length 65536 or longer
with any consistency. I've made an issue for you here with reproduction 

Let's continue any further discussion on that issue.

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 5:18:08 PM UTC-6 robert engels wrote:

> Sorry, you did delete a message - which was confusing...
> On Monday, December 2, 2024 at 4:44:09 PM UTC-6 Jason E. Aten wrote:
>> Sorry. I've deleted those unhelpful suggestions.

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