On Mon, Dec 2, 2024 at 11:16 AM Jason E. Aten <j.e.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ChatGPT seems to think that the go-wolfssl library is not following proper 
> CGO rules in
> many places.  The transcript below is long. I post it nonetheless, in case 
> such
> analysis is new for readers. I would suggest that you (everyone) can and 
> should
> be doing this kind of "code review by LLM" yourself to quickly resolve
> these kinds of issues. Also, it might be wrong!?! since it comes from an LLM.
> But at least we can talk about specific code snippets now.
> Transcript using ChatGPT 4o from Github copilot:
> @workspace I suspect there are one or more bugs in the use of CGO in this 
> this Go library, go-wolfssl. That is, I suspect that the CGO rules for 
> passing C pointers back and forth between Go and C threads are not being 
> followed, and this is causing bugs in the use of the library. Please audit 
> all the Go and C files in this workspace, and point out places where the CGO 
> pointer rules are not being followed.
> Workspace: In CGO, there are strict rules for passing pointers between Go and 
> C. Specifically, Go pointers should not be passed to C code, and C pointers 
> should not be used in Go code without proper conversion. Here are some 
> potential violations of these rules in your workspace:
> 1. **`random.go`**:
>     ```go
>     func Wc_RNG_GenerateBlock(rng *C.struct_WC_RNG, b []byte, sz int) int {
>         return int(C.wc_RNG_GenerateBlock(rng, 
> (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), C.word32(sz)))
>     }
>     ```
>     - The Go slice
> b
>  is being converted to a C pointer and passed to the C function. This is a 
> violation of the CGO rules.

This code is in itself fine, and is a typical example of using cgo.

I didn't read any further.


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