Hey folks! Now in in Go v1.22 (released 02-06-2024) 
<https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.22> it's possible to iterate over a range 
of integers by doing the approach mentioned at the beginning of this 
- JM
El miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015 a la(s) 9:42:07 p.m. UTC-4, Sean Russell 

> On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 11:51:03 AM UTC-5, tomwilde wrote:
>> ... 
> Having introduced this convenience range-syntax where you can specify the 
>> upper bound; wouldn't it by extension make sense to also allow the 
>> programmer to specify a lower bound à la "x := range a, b".
>> And from there people will want list comprehensions, texas ranges, etc, 
>> etc...
>> It's a slippery slope.
> There are already people who want list comprehension; you don't need range 
> syntax changes as a gateway feature for that.
> --- SER 

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