On Tuesday, 14 March 2023 at 09:26:05 UTC Van Fury wrote:

Am developing a server (diameter) which will response with an AVP 
In the specification

" The SIP-Authenticate AVP is of type OctetString and It shall contain, 
binary encoded, the concatenation of the authentication challenge RAND and 
the token AUTN" 

I believe "binary encoded" here just means []byte.  Concatenate them using 


The RAND and the AUTN in this case are hexadecimal strings s1 and s2.

I don't believe either is a "hexadecimal string" in the sense of being 
encoded using the ASCII symbols "0" to "9" and "a" to "f".  They may 
conventionally be *displayed* in this format, e.g. for debugging purposes, 
but internally and on-the-wire I think they are just sequences of bytes.

NOTE: my experience is with RADIUS rather than Diameter, so I *could* be 
wrong.  I'm just outlining what I *expect* to be the case; I haven't gone 
reading through Diameter RFCs.

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