On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 11:45 AM Nikita Rirush <raccoonrir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently stumbled onto a project that implements an SQLite extension in Go 
> as a c-shared library, and wondered if Go shares its runtime between multiple 
> c-shared Go libraries in the same process.
> I tried searching for issues on Github and through this group, but I wasn't 
> able to find any concrete information on how this works. I found this issue 
> (https://github.com/golang/go/issues/18976) that states that multiple Go 
> runtimes are not supported, but I made a simple library, built it as 
> c-shared, and linked it to a Go program, and it worked just fine, so this is 
> probably not the case anymore.
> This conversation 
> (https://groups.google.com/g/golang-nuts/c/fin6OT3KCOU/m/ub3aWquAAAAJ) seems 
> to hint that runtimes may be shared, but it's not 100% clear if that's the 
> case.
> So the question is, is linking multiple Go libraries in the same process and 
> c-shared Go libraries into Go programs now supported?

No, it is not.

> Do those libraries (and optionally a host program) share runtimes, or do they 
> each start separate runtimes that somehow cooperate?

Separate runtimes can in some cases live entirely independently, in
which case they don't cooperate.  That can be fine as long as you
don't try to call functions between them, as they just allocate memory
as needed.  Exactly what is happening in your case is highly platform
specific, and not really guaranteed to continue working.


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