> On May 2, 2022, at 8:27 AM, 'Anderson Queiroz' via golang-nuts 
> <> wrote:
> You could log to a file. If you're willing to take in a -log flag, you could 
> take a path as well and log to this file. That way you don't need 2 binaries, 
> however you'd need to tail the file, which seems to me better than 2 binaries.
> Best, 
> Anderson
>> On Friday, April 29, 2022 at 2:47:06 PM UTC+2 wrote:
>> You're right, it is a Windows issue. I can see that now. I bought up the 
>> issue originally because I was unsure if there was something in addition to 
>> -H=windows or -H=windowsgui that I could make use of. My understanding of 
>> Windows is now exhausted.
>> The alternative way is to have two binaries for the Windows version.
>>> On Friday, April 29, 2022 at 1:22:45 PM UTC+1 wrote:
>>> This is really a Windows issue, and not related to Go. According to this 
>>> very old post: 
>>>  it is technically possible to do that, but the technique has flaws, 
>>> foibles and limitations. 
>>> This sounds like a 'rabbit hole' to me. I would suggest going back to what 
>>> you actually want to accomplish, and thinking about alternative ways of 
>>> achieving it.  
>>>> On Friday, April 29, 2022 at 4:46:19 AM UTC-4 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Alex. Thanks for your response.
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 9:34 AM brainman <> wrote:
>>>>> Once windows executable is built, go has no control over how this program 
>>>>> executes.
>>>>> When command line program is executed by clicking in explorer window 
>>>>> Windows automatically starts a new console window and the console is used 
>>>>> for stdout output (I did not check that). If command line program is 
>>>>> started from existing cmd.exe console, new process just uses the same 
>>>>> console.
>>>>> When you click on GUI executable in Windows explorer, no console windows 
>>>>> is started (I did not check that). Same for GUI executable started from 
>>>>> cmd.exe console - new GUI process is not attached to parent console (I 
>>>>> did not check that).
>>>> Right. So I have a GUI executable that might be launched from a console 
>>>> but it will not be "attached" to that parent console.
>>>> Is there a way to attach the GUI executable to the parent console, perhaps 
>>>> using a Windows system call?
> -- 
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