Yes - look like it is for slightly different reasons. Apple have decided
on a new policy for verifying certificates and the certificate must have
either two (younger certs) or three (older certs) valid SCTs. I suspect
that you could re-issue your cert to comply with this, but I am not sure
about your mechanism for this. It seems though that even if Go 1.18 was
patched to let such a failure through - and it isn’t clear that it should
be, as per the TODO - that it would not help with AWS as it seems that they
don’t have ANY SCTs in their certificates. AWS will have have to re-issue
probably all their certificates, which leaves some of us a bit screwed for
a while.

This isn’t my area of expertise, but it seems that perhaps Apple have been
a bit too aggressive on this. I hazard a guess that what they have
implemented is likely correct, but if a company such as Apple makes such a
change, I think they should have made more noise about it, so that other
companies knew about the change.

So, a combination of OSX 12.3 with Go 1.18 will trigger this, unless you
have the ability to re-issue certificates with the requisite number of
SCTs. I have no control over most AWS certificates - they are issued by
AWS, for AWS. So now, I will have to ask AWS if they can do anything about
it. But I can’t see them re-issuing certificates for all their myriad
services, overnight.


PS: I quote the ticket you raised, in case it is useful to others:

On Mar 29, 2022 at 2:48:34 AM, Davanum Srinivas <> wrote:

> Jim,
> Looks like we ended up seeing the same problem in a kubernetes test case
> as well:
> -- Dims
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 2:09 AM Jim Idle <> wrote:
>> Having just upgraded to 1.18, I find that quite a few encrypted
>> connections, for instance https to a Neptune instance on AWS, now fail with:
>> x509: “*” certificate is not standards
>> compliant
>> It seems to be related to this comment:
>> I don’t immediately see anything on how to get around this via google
>> searches, though I see some changelists concerning x509 for 1.18. I am not
>> able to change the Neptune certificate, which may indeed not be quite
>> standards compliant, as the error message suggests. However, it is not just
>> Neptune - I see some people having issues with redid for instance.
>> Apologies if this has been addressed somewhere that I have not found.
>> Perhaps with more time, I will find some workaround or solution, but I
>> thought asking here may help.
>> Any input/workarounds appreciated, as well as any insight into the reason
>> for change.
>> Jim
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> --
> Davanum Srinivas ::

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