Having just upgraded to 1.18, I find that quite a few encrypted
connections, for instance https to a Neptune instance on AWS, now fail with:

x509: “*.xxxxxxxxx.neptune.amazonaws.com” certificate is not standards

It seems to be related to this comment:


I don’t immediately see anything on how to get around this via google
searches, though I see some changelists concerning x509 for 1.18. I am not
able to change the Neptune certificate, which may indeed not be quite
standards compliant, as the error message suggests. However, it is not just
Neptune - I see some people having issues with redid for instance.

Apologies if this has been addressed somewhere that I have not found.
Perhaps with more time, I will find some workaround or solution, but I
thought asking here may help.

Any input/workarounds appreciated, as well as any insight into the reason
for change.


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