On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 6:20 PM tapi...@gmail.com <tapir....@gmail.com>

> How much complicated? Is it similar to
>     func foo(int int) {}

No. As I said, the situation is different, as type-parameters must be able
to be self- and mutually referential.

>>>> or basically any use-case for constraint-type inference.
>>>> Even if we *could* allow it consistently, the rules for doing that
>>>> would likely be pretty complex. Better to take the relatively minor hit of
>>>> disallowing this overloading (you can always use different names for the
>>>> type-parameters, if they conflict with the constraint you want to use) than
>>>> to take the hit of complex scoping rules with lots of exceptions.
>>>> On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 9:48 AM tapi...@gmail.com <tapi...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I expect the following code compilers okay, but it doesn't.
>>>>> It looks All the three "I" in the Bar function declaration are
>>>>> viewed as the type parameter, whereas the second one is
>>>>> expected as the constraint I (at least by me).
>>>>> package main
>>>>> type I interface { M() }
>>>>> func Foo(i I) {
>>>>>   i.M()
>>>>> }
>>>>> func Bar[I I](i I) { // cannot use a type parameter as constraint
>>>>>   i.M()
>>>>> }
>>>>> func main() {}
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