Are the followings also intended?

func Foo[T any](T T) T { // (the 2nd) T redeclared in this block
   return T // T (type) is not an expression

func Bar[T any](x T) T {
   var T = x // T redeclared in this block
   return T

On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 6:03 PM Axel Wagner <>

> On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 10:54 AM <>
> wrote:
>> On Friday, November 12, 2021 at 5:33:19 PM UTC+8
>> wrote:
>>> I suspect this issue is hard/impossible to avoid, because it must be
>>> possible to self- and mutually reference type-parameters, in a way that
>>> it's not for normal parameters, to allow to write something like
>>> type Equaler[T any] interface {
>>>     Equal(T) bool
>>> }
>>> func Eq[T Equaler[T]](a, b T) bool {
>>>     return a.Equal(b)
>>> }
>> I don't see the same problem here. "T" and "Equaler" are two different
>> identifiers.
> But T and T are not.
> The point I was making is that type-parameters must inherently be scoped
> in a way that makes them visible in the type-list itself, to make writing
> code like this possible. This isn't necessary for regular parameters and
> it's what makes type-parameter lists special.
> I *also* said that it's probably possible to devise rules which would make
> this possible, while allowing the example you wrote, just that those rules
> would have to be complicated.
>>> or basically any use-case for constraint-type inference.
>>> Even if we *could* allow it consistently, the rules for doing that would
>>> likely be pretty complex. Better to take the relatively minor hit of
>>> disallowing this overloading (you can always use different names for the
>>> type-parameters, if they conflict with the constraint you want to use) than
>>> to take the hit of complex scoping rules with lots of exceptions.
>>> On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 9:48 AM <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I expect the following code compilers okay, but it doesn't.
>>>> It looks All the three "I" in the Bar function declaration are
>>>> viewed as the type parameter, whereas the second one is
>>>> expected as the constraint I (at least by me).
>>>> package main
>>>> type I interface { M() }
>>>> func Foo(i I) {
>>>>   i.M()
>>>> }
>>>> func Bar[I I](i I) { // cannot use a type parameter as constraint
>>>>   i.M()
>>>> }
>>>> func main() {}
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