Just so you are aware of what's out there:


"I wanted to see how hard it was to implement this sort of thing in Go, 
with as nice an API as I could manage. It wasn't hard.

Having written it a couple of years ago, I haven't had occasion to use it 
once. Instead, I just use "for" loops.

You shouldn't use it either.

Rob Pike


https://github.com/JohnCGriffin/yogofn - uses reflection, but has 
non-reflective code for float64, int, and string slices.

https://github.com/kulshekhar/fungen - uses go generate to create list-like 
types with MRF functions.

https://github.com/thoas/go-funk - reflect-based generic MRF, along with 
some single-typed instances

https://github.com/benashford/go-func - another reflection based MRF

https://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2015/glow-map-reduce-for-golang/ - 
glow is more like your example, using channels for MRF, but adds the 
ability to shard and distribute the shards.

You might want to look over these and see what differentiates your solution 
so that you can mention it in your Readme.MD. Also, don't forget that 
generics are coming in 1.18, and they are already enabled in go-tip, so you 
can be working on a non-reflection based generic solution.

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