On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 6:05 PM Victor Giordano <vitucho3...@gmail.com>

> Thanks to all for the answer, i really try to see any actual reason but i
> still don't get it. For me, to my humble acknowledgement, if I define a
> type I tend to use everywhere it appears. Period. End of the story.

> > FWIW, arguing that `http.HandleFunc` should take a `http.HandlerFunc`
> because there exists a defined type with the same underlying type as the
> parameter is a bit like arguing every function that takes an `int64` should
> instead take a time.Duration <https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Duration>.
> Allow me to put in different words: if you define `func
> doSomething(duration int64)` at least i will argue why don't employ
> time.Duration <https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Duration> as a type there, if
> the parameter actually represents a Duration that is also a defined
> type, ¿you don't?.

Yes. But that's the thing - if what the function actually takes a duration,
then the correct type is a duration. But the type `http.HandleFunc` takes
is *not* a `http.HandlerFunc`, it's a `func(http.ResponseWriter,
*http.Request)`. It's a different type and it's the correct type to
describe what that function is for. If the type was `http.HandlerFunc`,
then `http.HandleFunc` wouldn't need to exist, because `http.Handle` would

For example, if you had a function

// DurationFromMS returns a time.Duration, based on a duration given as an
integer in ms.
func DurationFromMS(d int64) time.Duration {
    return time.Duration(d * 1000)

Would you make the parameter type `time.Duration`? After all, it represents
a duration, right? But you wouldn't. It would be the wrong type to
represent what the function does.

Or, a different example: We could introduce a new type in the `filepath`

// Path is a path, using the OS-specific delimiter
type Path string

// Verify makes sure that p is a path, using the correct, OS-specific
// It returns p as a Path, and an error, if p was invalid.
func Verify(p string) (Path, error)

We could then have `filepath.Join` etc. take `Path`s, instead of `string`s,
to represent that the argument actually must be a valid path, using the
OS-specific separator. Which would be different from `path.Path`, of
course, which would always use "/" as a separator. Meaning you wouldn't be
able to accidentally use one as the other, which would add type-safety.

But should `Verify` take a `Path` here? Of course not. That would be the
wrong type. It just returns its argument converted into the correct type,
but semantically, it still takes *a plain string*. Before you pass the path
into `Verify`, it doesn't have the semantic association of "this string is
an OS-specific path" - that's exactly the semantic association that
`Verify` creates.

Your argument hinges on the assumption that `http.HandleFunc`s parameter
has the semantic interpretation (not only the same underlying type as) as
`http.HandlerFunc`. But it doesn't. The semantic interpretation of the
argument to `http.HandleFunc` is a plain function. Otherwise, it wouldn't
need to exist - because we already *have* a function that can take a
`http.HandlerFunc`: `http.Handle`.

The plain func is describing *exactly* the type that function should take.
`http.HandlerFunc` would be the wrong type.

> I won't say the same about other things that hold an int64 that represents
> for example an ID of record in a database.
> El dom, 27 jun 2021 a las 12:56, 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts (<
> golang-nuts@googlegroups.com>) escribió:
>> FWIW, arguing that `http.HandleFunc` should take a `http.HandlerFunc`
>> because there exists a defined type with the same underlying type as the
>> parameter is a bit like arguing every function that takes an `int64` should
>> instead take a time.Duration <https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Duration>.
>> That's just not how types tend to work.
>> It makes no sense for `http.HandleFunc` to take a `http.HandlerFunc`,
>> because it's purpose is specifically to work on a plain function. If you
>> have an `http.HandlerFunc`, you can already just call `http.Handle` - there
>> is no need to make a separate function that takes a *specific*
>> implementation of `http.Handler`.
>> On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 5:51 PM Axel Wagner <
>> axel.wagner...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 5:25 PM Victor Giordano <vitucho3...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I keep wondering if they code that way for any reason. With "code that
>>>> way" I mean: define a type and then not use it.
>>> As I said: It's used plenty of times. Both inside of `net/http` and
>>> outside of it.
>>>>    - So, ¿why not employ the type defined in the first place?
>>>> I feel like I gave a bunch of reasons for this too.
>>>> Don't get me wrong,but if I define a type I tend to use that type where
>>>> it appears. That is in fact the basis of making types, to use them. So that
>>>> feeds my questioning!
>>>> El dom, 27 jun 2021 a las 11:46, 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts (<
>>>> golang-nuts@googlegroups.com>) escribió:
>>>>> If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting to replace the
>>>>> parameter type `func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)` with the
>>>>> parameter type `http.HandlerFunc`. You've been (correctly) told that we
>>>>> can't make that change, because it would break the Go 1 compatibility
>>>>> change (as there is code which currently compiles which wouldn't compile
>>>>> after that change). But you are wondering if, *ignoring* the compatibility
>>>>> guarantee, it would be a good change. Am I getting this right?
>>>>> If so: I don't think it would be a good change.
>>>>> First, it's important to realize that the *only* reason,
>>>>> `http.HandlerFunc` exists at all, is so that you can write a
>>>>> `func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)` and use it as a `http.Handler`,
>>>>> in the places where `net/http` expects the latter. You say the type isn't
>>>>> used - but it is. It's used by *users* of the `net/http` package, to make
>>>>> their plain functions into `http.Handler`s. It is also used in `net/http`
>>>>> itself - in the exact function you are referring to
>>>>> <https://golang.org/src/net/http/server.go?s=77627:77714#L2487>. That
>>>>> is the exact and only purpose of that type, to make a plain function
>>>>> implement the `Handler` interface. So, taking a plain function as a
>>>>> parameter *is the purpose of having the `HandlerFunc` type*.
>>>>> You also say that adding types is a good thing. I tend to disagree
>>>>> with that as a general statement. Adding types is a good thing, if it
>>>>> serves as important documentation or if it serves to catch bugs. I don't
>>>>> think either of these would be happening with this change. In terms of
>>>>> documentation - well, you don't *have* to pass a `http.HandlerFunc`, so
>>>>> there is no reason for the documentation to make it clear that you should.
>>>>> You can (and should) just pass a plain `func`. So, using the defined type
>>>>> here wouldn't serve as documentation, it would document the *wrong* thing.
>>>>> As for catching bugs: Making the parameter type a defined type would
>>>>> only change one thing in terms of type-safety. It would mean that if you
>>>>> define a *different* type `type MyFunc func(http.ResponseWriter,
>>>>> *http.Request)`, the compiler would prevent you from writing
>>>>> `http.HandleFunc(…, MyFunc(f))`. Preventing a bug would thus require that
>>>>> your `MyFunc` type would have to be used semantically differently from
>>>>> `http.HandlerFunc`. But that seems *exceedingly* unlikely, given that you
>>>>> defined `MyFunc` in terms of the `net/http` package. And it would then
>>>>> appear *exceedingly* unlikely, that you'd accidentally mix the two up -
>>>>> almost all usages of `http.HandleFunc` will pass the name of some defined
>>>>> function and that will always work.
>>>>> But all of this discussion is really moot. It's a breaking change, so
>>>>> it can't happen - whether it's a good change or not doesn't exactly matter
>>>>> at that point. Personally, *if* we could "go back in time" and wouldn't
>>>>> have to worry about backwards compatibility, my vote would rather be to 
>>>>> change
>>>>> the language to make the HandlerFunc type obsolete
>>>>> <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21670> and remove it altogether.
>>>>> On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 3:53 PM Victor Giordano <vitucho3...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello gophers!
>>>>>> While studing at this source code
>>>>>> <https://github.com/golang/go/blob/37f9a8f69d6299783eac8848d87e27eb563500ac/src/net/http/server.go>
>>>>>> in search for some knowledge and enlightment, i do note that in some 
>>>>>> file a
>>>>>> type is defined and then is not used in a place where it could be used.
>>>>>> This open an interrogant for me, because tipification is often good 
>>>>>> thing,
>>>>>> regardless the  language  I may state,  and I express it via a ticket
>>>>>> <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/46926>. I get the idea that due
>>>>>> to language grammar changing the code would be a breaking change.
>>>>>> But i keep wondering if they actually do this for a reason.. i mean,
>>>>>> given the possiblity to get back in time, ¿does the team at golang will
>>>>>> write the same source code, definiting a type with a name and then
>>>>>> intenttionally not using it? i mean...i keep wondering if there is any
>>>>>> reason for defined types and then not use it and using the gitlab 
>>>>>> channel i
>>>>>> probably fail to express my initial intention. I do often read some third
>>>>>> party code, in order to view others minds (or try at least..), what i'm
>>>>>> asking here is a question in order to get another people point of view.
>>>>>> Thanks again!
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