Hello gophers!

While studing at this source code 
in search for some knowledge and enlightment, i do note that in some file a 
type is defined and then is not used in a place where it could be used. 
This open an interrogant for me, because tipification is often good thing, 
regardless the  language  I may state,  and I express it via a ticket 
<https://github.com/golang/go/issues/46926>. I get the idea that due to 
language grammar changing the code would be a breaking change. 

But i keep wondering if they actually do this for a reason.. i mean, given 
the possiblity to get back in time, ¿does the team at golang will write the 
same source code, definiting a type with a name and then intenttionally not 
using it? i mean...i keep wondering if there is any reason for defined 
types and then not use it and using the gitlab channel i probably fail to 
express my initial intention. I do often read some third party code, in 
order to view others minds (or try at least..), what i'm asking here is a 
question in order to get another people point of view.

Thanks again!

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