On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 12:29 AM messi...@gmail.com
<messi.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm reading the source code of version 1.15.6, but I found the code base 
> structure on master branch is very different, some changes are refactors as 
> you mentioned above(typechecker), and some are for new features(e.g. 
> generics). Contribution guide says Github issue tracker is the place where 
> contributors take task from, but most of the issues are about bugs, so how 
> about the kind of "Features" and "Plans"? Take the typechecker-rewriting task 
> you mentioned above as example,  I searched a lot to try to find the 
> "kickoff" place and the original discussion but failed. (Most of issues 
> assigned to Griesemer are specific bug or improvement.)
> Is there any place/information I missed? Or reading the source code is the 
> only way to fully catch up the whole process?

The contribution guide is aimed more for smaller, focused changes than
for large scale changes.

The type checker work is being done as part of the generics work.  The
generics work is not currently being tracked on the issue tracker.
It's too big for that to be useful.

There is mention of the refactoring work at
https://groups.google.com/g/golang-dev/c/U7eW9i0cqmo/m/ffs0tyIYBAAJ .
Jeremy Faller has recently started posting notes about runtime team
discussions at https://golang.org/issue/43930.

In general, though, I don't think you've missed anything.  We don't
have a formal process for tracking large scale changes to the tools.
There is generally a proposal for the idea, but once the proposal has
been accepted there is no formal tracking of the work.  The register
ABI proposal is https://golang.org/issue/40724 and the generics
proposal is https://golang.org/issue/43651.  Those proposals have
associated design docs, but those are focused on the changes rather
than on the specific tasks required to implement those changes.

Hope this helps.


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