> I was thinking of potential issues if you rebalance the tree as an example.
> I’m not certain what issues could arise as I’ve never considered a
> concurrent data structure that lacks some kind of synchronisation for both
> read and writes unless it’s immutable copy-on-write or similar.
> Do you happen to have references available for further research?
> You do have to be careful when rebalancing. The goal is to make the
rebalancing appear atomic to other reads as they go down the tree. IIRC a
technique to do this involves recreating the nodes involved in the
rebalance and completing the rebalance by updating a single edge at once.
That sounds a lot to me like copy-on-write but IIRC it doesn't require
copying the entire subtree.

You might also be interested in some of the below references, although
they're all on lock-free and wait-free options. Disclaimer: They're all
from my Ph.D advisor. I was working in his lab when most of this work was
being done. Most of what I've posted here is based on my memory of their


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