Well, I think I only need to lock on writes, and it'll be easier if I just 
lock the entire tree on writes. Reads will be the majority of the 
operations by far. This is for a bit of caching before we go to a K/V 
database like REDIS, etc.

On Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 5:16:36 PM UTC-8 k.alex...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 5, 2021, 6:59 PM Nathan Fisher <nfi...@junctionbox.ca> wrote:
>> Does write only locking provide read correctness? I would’ve thought 
>> based on the memory model it could cause issues?
>> https://golang.org/ref/mem#tmp_2
> It depends on your notion of "read correctness", specifically when you 
> consider each read to have occurred with respect to its concurrent writes. 
> Linearizability may be a weaker guarantee than you want, and that's okay.
> Linearizability requires that, for each operation, you can pick some point 
> between the start and end of an operation when it can be said to have 
> "occurred". When you consider all the operations in that order, the results 
> you see must be the same as a sequential execution.
> In the case I have described, we can pick a linearization point for reads 
> just before the last write which they passed on their way down the tree. 
> The reads should then see all the writes which happened prior to this point.
> This isn't the order the operations enter the root, but linearizability 
> doesn't care. It doesn't have an opinion on when overlapping operations 
> "occur" with respect to one another.
> I don't think using a happens-before relation for the program order seen 
> by each goroutine is going to cause a problem with respect to choosing 
> these linearization points, but maybe I'm missing something.
> Maybe also there is a standardized notion of read correctness that you're 
> referring to which I am not aware of.

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