I think OP the "parameter" in title means "argument" actually.
OP didn't specify how to declare a generic type.

On Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 9:40:15 AM UTC-5 Brian Candler wrote:

> On Wednesday, 6 January 2021 at 12:40:24 UTC tapi...@gmail.com wrote:
>> func blah[T1]T2 (x T1) T2 { ... }
>>> x := blah[int]string(123)
>> I didn't see anyone propose this syntax from the above comments.
> To quote the message which started the thread:
> *I think something like sync.Map[string]linked.List string is more 
> readable than sync.Map[string, linked.List[string]].*
> *I propose putting the last type parameter to a generic type after the 
> square brackets and omitting them when there is only one type parameter.*
> I accept it was talking about type parameters to types, not type 
> parameters to functions (although it would be weird if they were different).
> But even if you think only about types, it doesn't make much sense to make 
> the last type parameter distinct from the others. Another silly example:
> # current
> type Circle[T1,T2 any] struct {
>     x,y,radius T1
>     color T2
> }
> type myCircle Circle[float64,string]
> # proposed
> type Circle[T1 any]T2 any struct {
>     x,y,radius T1
>     color T2
> }
> type myCircle Circle[float64]string

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