Here is another example.
I haven’t worked out the details yet, but I envision that I can avoid 
generating this QuorumSpec interface in our Gorums framework:
And instead use generics... I hope that this can reduce the amount 
generated code, which is also inflexible.

I think there are plenty of important cases that will see improved type 
safety and reduce the fragility of code bases.

:) Hein

On Thursday, December 24, 2020 at 7:16:00 AM UTC+1 Martin Hanson wrote:

> I have been arguing passionately against adding generics to Go because
> I truly believe that it is going against the simplicity of Go and the
> philosophy behind the design of Go.
> I believe that the resilience of Go against unnecessary change is of
> vital importance. The experience provided by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and
> Robert Griesemer in designing Go the way they did speaks for itself.
> I feel and believe it is of imperative importance to avoid adding things
> to Go that doesn't present a true and real life day-to-day problem
> and so far none of the examples the pro-generics camp has provided has
> been more than minor theoretical examples that do not present any real
> life problems.
> I therefore propose that the pro-generics camp provide real examples of
> problems they have faced that was such a big issue that it justifies
> adding generics to Go.
> If all we're presented are these small theoretical examples of sorting
> lists, etc., then clearly this is nothing but hype that needs to go
> away.

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