I feel like you guys missed my suggestion earlier. I will repeat it because 
I think it can be good. What about a dot to separate type parameters in 

    func zero<T>() T {
        var x T
        return x

    func main() {
        fmt.Println(zero.<int>()) // . required here

Dot would be required in expressions when type parameters cannot be 
inferred and need to be specified manually.

I believe this fixes the syntactic ambiguities and also is consistent with 
the type assertion syntax.

What do you think?

Dňa utorok, 14. júla 2020 23:56:01 UTC+2 gri napísal(a):
> We have received a variety of feedback on the generics draft design 
> <https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/refs/heads/master/design/go2draft-contracts.md>
> (blog <https://blog.golang.org/generics-next-step>). Thanks to everyone 
> who took the time to read it, play with generics code in the playground 
> <https://go2goplay.golang.org/>, file issues, and send us their thoughts.
> Not unexpectedly, many people raised concerns about the syntax, 
> specifically the choice of parentheses for type parameter declarations and 
> generic type and function instantiations.
> A typical computer keyboard provides four easily accessible pairs of 
> single-character symmetrical "brackets": parentheses ( and ), square 
> brackets [ and ], curly braces { and }, and angle brackets < and >. Go uses 
> curly braces to delineate code blocks, composite literals, and some 
> composite types, making it virtually impossible to use them for generics 
> without severe syntactic problems. Angle brackets require unbounded parser 
> look-ahead or type information in certain situations (see the end of this 
> e-mail for an example). This leaves us with parentheses and square 
> brackets. Unadorned square brackets cause ambiguities in type declarations 
> of arrays and slices, and to a lesser extent when parsing index 
> expressions. Thus, early on in the design, we settled on parentheses as 
> they seemed to provide a Go-like feel and appeared to have the fewest 
> problems.
> As it turned out, to make parentheses work well and for 
> backward-compatibility, we had to introduce the type keyword in type 
> parameter lists. Eventually, we found additional parsing ambiguities in 
> parameter lists, composite literals, and embedded types which required more 
> parentheses to resolve them. Still, we decided to proceed with parentheses 
> in order to focus on the bigger design issues.
> The time has come to revisit this early decision. If square brackets alone 
> are used to declare type parameters, the array declaration
> type A [N]E
> cannot be distinguished from the generic type declaration
> type A[N] E
> But if we are comfortable with the extra type keyword, the ambiguity 
> disappears:
> type A[type N] E
> (When we originally dismissed square brackets, the type keyword was not 
> yet on the table.)
> Furthermore, the ambiguities that arise with parentheses appear not to 
> arise with square brackets. Here are some examples where extra parentheses 
> are not needed with square brackets:
> using ()                 using []
> func f((T(int))          func f(T[int])
> struct{ (T(int)) }       struct{ T[int] }
> interface{ (T(int)) }    interface{ T[int] }
> [](T(int)){}             []T[int]{}
> To test this better understanding, and to get a feel for this alternative 
> notation, we will begin to make changes to our prototype implementation 
> such that it accepts either parentheses or square brackets (only one or the 
> other) in a generic Go package. Those changes will first appear as commits 
> to the dev.go2go branch 
> <https://go.googlesource.com/go/+/refs/heads/dev.go2go>, and eventually 
> in the playground <https://go2goplay.golang.org/>.
> If square brackets don't lead to unforeseen issues, we have another fully 
> explored notation to choose from, which will allow us to make a more 
> informed decision.
> - gri, iant
> PS: For ambiguities with angle brackets consider the assignment
> a, b = w < x, y > (z)
> Without type information, it is impossible to decide whether the 
> right-hand side of the assignment is a pair of expressions
> (w < x), (y > (z))
> or whether it is a generic function invocation that returns two result 
> values
> (w<x, y>)(z)
> In Go, type information is not available at compile time. For instance, in 
> this case, any of the identifiers may be declared in another file that has 
> not even been parsed yet.

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