On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 9:42 AM Geoff Speicher <ge...@speicher.org> wrote:
> This is great work but compared to the rest of Go's existing syntax, I 
> personally find it much harder to grok the generic code examples regardless 
> of bracket choice.
> It seems like a lot of complication stems from what effectively amounts to 
> requiring the programmer to declare a new generic type everyplace one is 
> needed. This seems like a lot of unnecessary noise, especially when you 
> consider that a package is likely to reuse generic types.
> What if we were to require (or at least allow/encourage) declaration of any 
> generic types at the package level? Then any function or type is itself 
> generic by virtue of whether or not it uses any generic types.
> So instead of:
>         // existing proposal requires additional (type T)
>         // syntax for type parameter declaration
>         func Print(type T)(s []T) {
>                 for _, v := range s {
>                         fmt.Println(v)
>                 }
>         }
> We would have:
>         // declare a new package-level type, similar to "type T" but using
>         // a new keyword to indicate that it is generic
>         generic T
>         // Print is a generic function because T is a generic type
>         func Print(s []T) {
>                 for _, v := range s {
>                         fmt.Println(v)
>                 }
>         }
> The keyword generic indicates a generic type declaration, and since the Print 
> function uses the generic type T, we know that Print is a generic function. 
> We don't need any additional syntax at the site of the function definition. 
> Type constraints can appear within the type declaration just as they do in 
> the existing proposal's "inline" generic declaration.
> By encouraging reuse of the generic declaration, this approach also 
> encourages better choice of generic type naming instead of the ubiquitous T 
> which is used almost exclusively for its brevity in inline generic type 
> parameter declarations. For example:
>         // declare a generic type with constraint of Stringer.
>         // the name "Stringable" conveys more meaning than "T".
>         generic Stringable Stringer
>         // type definition requires no extra syntax for a generic type 
> parameter
>         type StringableVector []Stringable
>         // method definition requires no extra syntax for a generic type 
> parameter
>         func (s StringableVector) String() string {
>                 var sb strings.Builder
>                 for i, v := range s {
>                         if i > 0 {
>                                 sb.WriteString(", ")
>                         }
>                         // It's OK to call v.String here because v is of 
> generic type Stringable
>                         // and Stringable's constraint is Stringer.
>                         sb.WriteString(v.String())
>                 }
>                 return sb.String()
>         }
> I don't know how this affects your implementation, but it certainly reduces 
> the need for many parser changes, and eliminates the need for extra brackets 
> in favor of a new keyword. It's also much easier for my aging eyes to read. ;)

This seems similar to the discussion at
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/mXn9x01mFzM/Zf7lSXVuBgAJ .

It seems hard to know how to instantiate a generic function or type,
as there is no clear information in the declaration as to the presence
or order of the type parameters.


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