On 6/16/20 09:04, 'Thomas Bushnell, BSG' via golang-nuts wrote:

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 11:51 AM 'K Richard Pixley' via golang-nuts <golang-nuts@googlegroups.com <mailto:golang-nuts@googlegroups.com>> wrote:

    I do not agree with the Rust team.  I would prefer to make my
    technology decisions based on technological criterion.  But if you
    force me to make that decision based on your religion, on your
    specific brand of racism, then I will.

How does seeing the banner force you to stop using Go, even if you disagree with its message?
If using go necessarily means supporting racism, then I will be forced to stop.
I don't see how that follows at all. First of all, I reject the notion that an anti-racism
It's not "anti-racism", though.  It's pro-racism.  It may be a popular racism, but it's pro-racism.
banner creates a "cesspool" or even moves toward that even a hair's breadth. But I don't understand why you think that if one cause is advertised, all should be, or that if a non-abusive banner is present, then abusive ones must be allowed too.

Exactly.  So we need to remove the abusive banner.

Jumping up a level, I think you can see that there isn't agreement here.  We haven't even agreed on terms.  And attempting to do so isn't really in the charter of this group.

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