On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 10:41 AM Space A. <reexist...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Are you saying you don't care about the rest of the World? This
> "situation" does not affect in any way many many gophers which have to deal
> with much more serious problems than you could imagine, on a daily basis.
> There are a lot of projects originating not from US, who are not trying to
> get you attention (and money) by putting on top political topics which they
> think are important and "affecting" everyone.
> That's pretty much easy to make this banner appear based on location. But
> if you insist, I can for sure update ABP filters with a couple of clicks.
> Never though I would have to do this on programming language main page.

I'm a bit confused.  You're correct that there are many worthy causes. I'm
confused about why that means this one shouldn't be supported, or that you
need to filter the notice out. How does that help the other worthy causes
you mention?


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