On Friday, 8 May 2020 21:58:42 UTC+1, Axel Wagner wrote:
> • The section on error <https://golang.org/ref/spec#Errors> *doesn't* 
> specifically point this out. This, really, is where we can argue about 
> reading the spec.
> - It doesn't use the specific word "defined type" at least and it doesn't 
> link to type definitions, as the other sections doing this. IMO this is an 
> argument that it's not a defined type per spec
> - However, it does actually use a type definition to define the type, 
> which is an argument that it *is* a defined type per spec (i.e. it conforms 
> to the general definition even without specific mention).
The term "defined type" doesn't mean that there must be a corresponding 
type declaration/definition.  "int" is a "defined type", but you cannot 

type int int

I believe this is what you were saying when you said "I'd argue that there 
is no type declaration that you could point to for saying they conform to 
the definition", and I agree.  However, the spec doesn't actually say that 
every "defined type" must have a corresponding definition - only that type 
definitions are a way to create *new* defined types.

Where I strongly agree with you is that whenever you follow a hyperlink to 
"defined type", it takes you to the section on type definitions.  
Effectively, the term "defined type" is not actually defined(*) in its own 
right, except in terms of the side effect of a type definition. It says 
that a "type definition" is a way to bring a new defined type into 
existence - but as you noted, there are pre-existing defined types (but not 
mentioned until later).  I suspect what has happened here is that it 
formerly said "named type" in which case it would have been much clearer.

I do think it would be helpful to be more up-front that the built-in 
(underlying) types are also defined types.  Otherwise it's easy to assume 
that "defined type" means "user-defined type" - anything defined *in terms 
of* the system underlying types - which is not true.  Again, when it said 
"named types", that problem would not have existed: it's clear that the 
type "int" has the name "int".  Whilst the spec is still valid, it 
certainly now has the flavour of requiring a pedantic / language lawyer 

As regards error, it says:

The predeclared type error is defined as

type error interface {
        Error() string

I don't think that implies there is a specific class of type which is a 
"predeclared type", in the same sense as there is a specific "defined type" 
(*).  It's just saying that this type has already been declared, in a 
hidden preamble to the user code. 

Secondly, even if there were a specific kind of type which is a 
"predeclared type", I do not think this would make it mutually exclusive 
with "defined type".

Therefore, I don't think this contradicts the earlier definition of 
"defined type", and by that definition, I conclude that "error" is a 
"defined type".  I suppose it could instead say "The predefined type 
error...", but that would also be confusing because it's not the fact that 
it's a "defined type" that matters, it's the fact that it has been declared 
and is available in all scopes.

In my opinion, clarity is not helped by having overlapping terms type 
definitions <https://golang.org/ref/spec#Type_definitions> and type 
declarations <https://golang.org/ref/spec#Type_declarations>.  "Type 
declarations" is the parent, with "Alias declarations" and "Type 
definitions" as the children.  Hence that code for "error" is both a type 
declaration (general, meaning it brings a type into existence) and a type 
definition (specific, meaning the result is not-an-alias, but is a "defined 



(*) What I want to say is: in the spec, the term "defined type" has/has not 
been explicitly defined.  This is where English is tripping me up, as I 
would like to avoid re-using the word "defined", but cannot think of a good 


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