> > log.Fatal and os.Exit have the same problem. They are not "terminating 
> > statements", so if you want them at the bottom of a function with result 
> > parameters you have to add a panic("unreachable").
> Excellent point.  But contemplating being able to declare library functions 
> terminating - as opposed to making it a property the compiler deduces from 
> knowing how panic works - opens up a bigger can of worms...

Of course. And with your proposal it would be easy to make os.Exit
"terminating" by adding a panic at the bottom (the only exit path,
theoretical), which would make log.Fatal "terminating" in turn (the
property would have to be guaranteed though).

Anyway, I probably got the frequency I write panic("unreachable") and
the frequency I have failure at the bottom of a function mixed up. The
second is not so uncommon after all, I'm just not used to the throw

> Maybe I'm being dim. but I don'r understand your counter-question. Can you 
> unpack it a bit?

You called this ugly:
| defer func() {
|     fmt.Println("Recover:", catch("recoverable", recover()))
| }()

And this reasonable / less ugly:
| defer func() {
|     fmt.Println("Recover:", catch("recoverable"))
| }()

I assumed the ugliness is about the recover logic being exposed in the
catch signature and in the handler function. If you change catch to
take the exception handler as a callback you can hide the recover
logic without language changes. But maybe there's something you want
to do that I can't see from the example.

| defer catch("recoverable", func(err error) {
|     fmt.Println("Recover:", err)
| })

On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 5:23 AM Eric Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:
> On Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 7:14:50 PM UTC-5, pboam...@gmail.com wrote:
>> log.Fatal and os.Exit have the same problem. They are not "terminating 
>> statements", so if you want them at the bottom of a function with result 
>> parameters you have to add a panic("unreachable").
> Excellent point.  But contemplating being able to declare library functions 
> terminating - as opposed to making it a property the compiler deduces from 
> knowing how panic works - opens up a bigger can of worms...
>> But I think it's very rare not to have one of the "success" paths at the 
>> end; in 8 years it happened to me like a couple of times. Do you really 
>> expect to have throw() at the bottom of functions?
> Absolutely.  Consider a parser in which your handler function for a given 
> token or subtree consists of  a bunch of if/then returns, and not matching 
> one of them means you should throw upwards to an error handler.
>> > 2. A recover() call is no longer required to be within the lexical frame 
>> > of a defer().
>> Would it be less ugly like this? (with recover in the catch func.)
>> | defer catch("recoverable", func(err error) {
>> |     fmt.Println("Recover:", err)
>> | })
>> Maybe I'm being dim. but I don'r understand your counter-question. Can you 
>> unpack it a bit?
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