Most of the remainder of this post is asciidoc source, because that's easy 
to quote.  If you want to look at a nicely rendered version, see

= Notes on the Go translation of Reposurgeon =
version 1.8, 2020-01-25

This is an experience report on a Python-to-Go translation of a
program with significant complexity, written in attempted conformance
with the Go community's practice for grounding language enhancement
requests not in it-would-be-nice-to-have abstractions but rather in a
description of real-world problems.

Reposurgeon is a program for editing version-control histories and
interconverting them among version-control systems. I spent much of
2019 moving the reposurgeon codebase from Python to Go because the
Python implementation was too slow to be useful on on really large
repositories.  The workflow it is designed to support is rapid
iterative improvement of conversion recipes by a human operator;
long test cycles disrupt this by making experimentation painful.

Subversion-to-git conversion of the Gnu Compiler Collection history,
at over 280K commits (over 1.6M individual change actions), was the
straw that broke the camel's back. Using PyPy with every optimization
on semi-custom hardware tuned for this job still yielded test
conversion times of over 9 hours, which is death on the
recipe-debugging cycle.  A test translation of the auxiliary
repocutter tool suggested that we could expect up to a 40x speedup,
which was in line with published Python vs. Go comparative benchmarks.

The problem directed the choice of Go, not the other way around.  I
seriously considered OCaml or a compiled Lisp as alternatives.  I
concluded that in either case the semantic gap between Python and
the target language was so large that translation would be
impractical. Only Go offered me any practical hope.

I did examine two automated tools for Python to Go translation, but
rejected them because I judged the generated Go code would have been a
maintainability disaster.  Thus, translation by hand.  Though at about
22% in I did write[a fast, crude,
incomplete Python-to-Go source translator] to assist the process.

The man barrier to translation was that, while at 14KLOC of Python
reposurgeon was not especially large, the code is very *dense*.  It's
a DSL that's a structure editor for attributed DAGs - algorithmically
complex, bristling with graph theory, FSMs, parsing, tricky data
structures, two robot harnesses driving other tools, and three
different operator-composition algebras.  It became 21KLOC of Go.

The algorithmic density of reposurgeon is such that it would be a
challenge to the expressiveness of any language it were implemented
in.  It makes a good test of the relative expressiveness of Python and
Go, and an effective way to audit for places where moving from Python
to Go hinders concision and readability.

The skillset I approached this problem with is: Go novice, Python and
C expert; old Unix hand; Lisp hacker of even more ancient vintage;
ex-mathematician with strength in graph theory, group theory and
combinatorics; lots of experience as a systems programmer, lots of
exposure to odd languages, and lots of domain knowledge about
version-control systems.  Adjust bias compensators accordingly.

== Expected problems that weren't ==

Semantic distance. In general, the translation gap between Python and
Go is narrower than I initially expected, especially considering the
dynamic-vs-static type-system difference.  On reflection, I think it
turns out that GC and the existence of maps as first-class types do
more to narrow that gap than the static/dynamic divergence in type
systems does to widen it.

Polymorphic lists.  The principal data structure of a repository's
representation in reposurgeon is a list of events - data structures
representing modification operations on sets of files.  The list is
necessarily polymorphic because (for example) a change commit and a
tag creation are different kinds of things.  Translating this to
static typing using interfaces proved less arduous than I had feared,
though the process revealed a documentation issue and a problem
with absence of sum types; I will return to both points.

Operator overloading.  Good style in Python, but surprisingly easy to
relinquish in Go.  I went in thinking that they'd be on my want list
for Go before I was done, but no - not even at reposurgeon's
complexity scale.

Generics.  Yes, these would have made translation easier, but the main
impact turned out to be that I had to write my own set-of-int and
set-of-string classes.  That was a surprisingly light hit.  What I
really missed was generic map-function-over-slice, which could be
handled by adding a much narrower feature.

The positive part of my summation is that hand-translation of Python
to Go even at this scale and complexity is not horrible.  It's not
*easy*, exactly, but quite doable.  It is however time-intensive;
counting time to build the required unit tests in Go, I managed about
150-200 lines a day before writing pytogo and 500-600 lines per day
afterwards.  The entire translation, interleaved with my work on NTPsec
and other projects, took just about 12 months in wall time. Perhaps
a third of that was spent debugging the Go result after it achieved
first full compilation.

The pain points were mainly around a handful of advanced Python
features: iterators, generators, comprehensions, and class-valued
exceptions.  Fortunately, even in quite advanced Python code like
reposurgeon's these turn out to not be very common on a per-KLOC basis.

== Problems that were ==

=== Keyword arguments ===

The problem that obtruded on me first was quite unexpected: absence of
keyword arguments.  In Python one can write a function signature like

    def EuclideanDistance(x, y):

and then call it like this:

    d = EuclideanDistance(x=3.0, y=9.6)

I used keyword arguments extensively in the Python, especially in
object-creation functions where it is often required to pass in
multiple parameters that won't fit neatly into a single data

Go presently has no such feature. This is probably the single most
serious readability hit my translation took; it got *significantly* more
difficult to grasp what was going on at all those callsites.

=== No map over slices ===

Translating Python map() calls and comprehensions produces code that
is ugly and bulky, forcing the declaration of dummy variables that
shouldn't need to exist.

If one graded possible Go point extensions by a figure of merit in which the
numerator is "how much Python expressiveness this keeps" and the
denominator is "how simple and self-contained the Go feature would be"
I think this one would be top of list.

So: map as a functional builtin takes two arguments, one x = []T and a
second f = func(T)T. The expression map(x, f) yields a new slice in
which for each element of x, f(x) is appended.

This proposal can be discarded if generics are implemented, as any
reasonable implementation of generics would make it trivial to
implement in Go itself.

=== Annoying limitations on const ===

Inability to apply const to variables with structure, map, or slice
initializers is annoying in these ways:

1. Compiler can't enforce noli mi tangere

2. const functions as a declaration of programmer intent that is
   valuable at scale.

In Python one can often get a similar effect by using tuples.  I used
this as a form of internal documentation hint in the original Python.
I want it back in Go.

Any extension in the scope of const, even a relatively conservative
one like only allowing const structures with compile-time constant
members, would have significant benefits.

=== Absence of lookbehind in Go regexps ===

This is a small point problem, easily fixed, that was far more
annoying in practice than it should have been in theory.

Python regexps have both positive and negative lookbehind clauses.
The following expression looks for possible Subversion revision
designators in comments, excluding bug references:

"(?<!bug )[0-9]+"

Go translation reveals that it is remarkably unpleasant, verging on
"too painful to be worth it" to do that filtering without lookbehinds.

This is the only real problem I have identified in moving from Python
regexps to Go ones.  Take that "only" seriously, because regexps are a
Swiss-army knife I use heavily; Go regexps are doing well to have no
limits that are more annoying.

=== Absence of sum/discriminated-union types ===

I have read issue #19412 and am aware of the objections to adding sum
types to Go.

Nevertheless, I found their absence was something of a pain point in my
translation.  Because reposurgeon events can have any one of a set of
types (Blob, Tag, Commit, Callout, Passthrough, Reset) I found myself
writing a lot of stupid boilerplate code like this:

    for _, child := range commit.children() {
    switch child.(type) {
    case *Commit:
    case *Callout:
    complain("internal error: callouts do not have branches: %s",
    panic("in tags method, unexpected type in child list")

Besides being inelegant, the requirement for a runtime check to
exhaust all cases is a defect attractor.  It's way too easy to forget
to write the default case and wind up with silent errors.

Thus, absence of discriminated-sum types is an actual hole in the
language that compromises its goal of enforcing strong invariants
through type safety checked at compile time.

This will especially tend to become an issue when translating from
a language like Python with fully dynamic typing.

I don't have a concrete proposal to fix this yet. If these notes
are well received I may write one.

===  Catchable exceptions require silly contortions ===

Though I revised it significantly on completion, much of this report
was originally written at about the 12% point of the translation. By
twice that far in, 23%, another problem about which I had not
originally been intending to complain became obtrusive. That is
absence of a general facility for structured exceptions.

Yes, I'm familiar with all the reasons throw/catch wasn't included in
Go 1.  Including the laudable goal of forcing programmers to be
explicit about error handling and how they propagate errors up their
call stack.  And I understand that defer/recover was an attempt to
provide a tractable subset of catchable exceptions that would minimize
the temptation to sin.

Because I broadly agree with this set of goals, I was actively
intending when I started this translation not to complain about the lack
of general catchable exceptions, or ship any related RFEs, in spite of
having a presentiment that they would be a problem.  That is, until
I hit a wall in the real world and had to rethink.

Here's my use case. Reposurgeon is an interpreter for a DSL.
Situations in which I can tolerate panic-out and die are rare and
mostly occur at initialization time. Usually what I want to do instead
of panicking on error is throw control back to the read/eval loop,
executing some kind of local cleanup hook on the way out.  Analogous
situations will frequently occur in, for example, network servers.

In a language with labeled throw/catch, or class-valued exceptions, I
can address this by explicitly target an exception to some level of
the call stack above the point it's raised.  In reposurgeon, for
example, there are usually two levels of interest.  One is the DSL's
read-eval loop. The other is the outermost scope; if an exception gets
there I want to call hooks to gracefully remove working directories
(blob storage associated with the repository-history structures being
edited) before exiting the program.

In Go, I didn't seem to have a clean option for this.  Which was a
problem on two levels....

1. Python reposurgeon was 14 KLOC of *dense* code.  At that scale, any
prudent person in a situation like this will perform as linear and
literal a translation as possible; to do otherwise is to risk a
complexity explosion as you try to cross the semantic gap and rethink
the design at the same time.  Absence of class-valued exceptions was
far and away the biggest technical blocker.  "First make it work, then
make it right"; the least risky path seemed to be to shim in
exceptions with the intention of removing them later.

Eventually, after beating on the panic/recover feature for a while, I
found this kludge:

package main

import "fmt"

type exception struct {
class string
message string

func (e exception) Error() string {
return e.message

func throw(class string, msg string, args ...interface{}) *exception {
// We could call panic() in here but we leave it at the callsite
// to clue the compiler in that no return after is required.
e := new(exception)
e.class = class
e.message = fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)
return e

func catch(accept string, x interface{}) *exception {
// Because recover() returns interface{}.
// Return us to the world of type safety.
if x == nil {
return nil
err := x.(*exception)
if err.class == accept {
return err

func main() {
defer println("Defer 1")
defer println("Defer 2")
defer println("Defer 3")

defer func() {
fmt.Println("Recover:", catch("recoverable", recover()))
panic(throw("recoverable", "Don't Panic!!!"))



This works, and it works if you change the class to something other
than "recoverable"; you get the expected rethrow and panic. But
it is unreasonably ugly.  So why am I bringing it forward? Because...

2. The translation experience reduced my disposition to think that Go is
right to be narrow and prescriptive on this issue.  Two kinds of
doubts grew on me:

* Pragmatic doubt. Trying to be a good Go citizen, I kept looking at
places where existing nonlocal control transfers in Python could be
replaced by explicit Go-style passing upwards of an error status.  But
I noticed that there were a significant percentage of cases in which
doing this made the code more difficult to follow rather than easier.

A simple representative example is a call chain of several data
transformations in which each stage has its own failure condition and
any failure aborts the transformation.  If we there were no error
cases we might write, in a Pythonoid sort of notation:

 sink = transform3(transform2(transform1(source)))

If a stage can error out, we might have these structural alternatives to
consider.  One is Go style:

(fail1, result1) = transform1(source)
if fail1 == true:
     status = Exception1
     (fail2, result2) = transform2(result1)
     if fail2 == true:
         status = Exception2
         (fail3, result3) = transform3(result1)
         if fail3 == true:
     status = Exception3
     sink = result3
     status = OK

The other style is with a catchable exception:

status = OK
    sink = transform3(transform2(transform1(source)))
except (Exception1, Exception2, Exception3) as err:
    status = err

I don't think there's even a colorable argument that the Go structure is
better in a case like this. Look at all those extra variables, that
eye-confusing ladder structure, the defect-prone near-but-not-quite
repetition of code.

An early reviewer pointed out that if the Go code were an entire
function it could be expressed something like this:


func pipeline(source T)  {
result1, err1 := transform1(source)
if err1 != nil {
  return err

result2, err2 := transform2(result1)
if err2 != nil {
  return err

result3, err3 := transform3(result2)
if err3 != nil {
  return err

return nil


That's still a lot of eyeball friction compared to functional-style with
exceptions. And it gets worse faster as the number of stages rises.

My problem was that I kept finding analogous situations in my
translation.  The specific one that motivated the above pseudocode
was in a feature called "extractor classes".  There are little
bots that run the client tools of a VCS to mine the output for its
metadata.  It's actually a five- or six-stage process wherein
any command failure requires an abort.  

In these cases moving to Go style produced a serious
loss of clarity.  And a rising feeling that I wanted my exceptions
back (and in fact the extractor-class code now contains the one real
instance of my exceptions kludge).  Which leads to this:

* Aesthetic doubt. I've never written a general-purpose language, 
but I have designed way more than my share of DSLs and declarative
markups, and from this I have learned a heuristic for doing engineering
that I won't regret.  For any given capability X:

Being able to express X elegantly is a good place to be.  Leaving out
X entirely for safety and verifiability can be a good choice, and is
at least defensible on those grounds.  But if you implement X in a
half-hearted, weak way that requires ugly code to use and fails to
actually foreclose the conceptual problems you were trying to dodge,
that's a bad place to be.

That bad place is where Go is right now with respect to nonlocal
control transfers, and why I had to write my kludge.

Interestingly, I was also able to come up with a very minimalist
solution.  No new syntax, two minor new compilation rules.

To motivate it, let's set the goal of being able to rewrite my example
like this:

package main

import "fmt"

type exception struct {
class string
message string

func (e exception) Error() string {
return e.message

func throw(class string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
e := new(exception)
e.class = class
e.message = fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)

func catch(accept string) *exception {
if x := recover(); x == nil {
return nil
err := x.(*exception)
if err.class == accept {
return err

func main() {
defer println("Defer 1")
defer println("Defer 2")
defer println("Defer 3")

defer func() {
fmt.Println("Recover:", catch("recoverable"))
throw("recoverable", "Don't Panic!!!")


That is rather less ugly, actually pretty reasonable if the
implementations of throw and catch aren't staring you in the face.
And all it would take to get there is two minor loosenings of

1. The panic function has a new property, "terminating". If the
compiler can prove that all exit paths from a function invoke
terminating functions, it is marked "terminating".  The effect of
this property is to suppress "missing return" errors on any code path
from call of a terminating function to exit of its caller, *but not on
other paths to exit*.

2. A recover() call is no longer required to be within the lexical
frame of a defer(). It can be in a helper called by the defer clause
(but still within the call scope of a defer). For safety we'd need
an additional rule that a go clause in the helper puts the code it
runs out of scope for purposes of this check.

=== Absence of iterators ===

Having Python iterators go missing is really annoying for reposurgeon,
in which lazy evaluation of very long lists is a frequent requirement.

Here's the type example.  I have in my repository representation a
list of possibly hundreds of thousands of events.  A subset of these
events is Commit objects.  I would like to be able to write


        for i, commit := range repo.commits() {


In Python it is easy and natural to write commits() as an iterator
which lazily walks the repository event list looking for Commit
objects. Each time it is called it either returns with "yield",
handing back the next commit, or actually returns - which is a signal
that the for loop should terminate.

I can't do this in Go; I have to write commits() to return an entire
constructed slice made by filtering the event list.  Which is annoying
for long lists, especially when it might well terminate early.

Sure, there's an alternative.  It looks like this...

        for i, event := range {
        switch.event.(type) {
case *Commit:

...and about which what I have to say is "Ugh!".  That code does not
say "walk through all commits", it says "walk through all events and
do something to the ones that happen to be commits".  I don't want to
wander into event-land here; that type-assertion/cast pair looks
altogether too much like a defect attractor. Also, unnecessary eyeball

I had no good idea what could be done about this.  I read Ewen
Cheslack-Postava's excellent discussion of[iterator patterns
in Go] and agreed with him that none of them are really satisfactory.

Annoyingly, the iterator pattern he suggests is almost the right
thing - except for the part where early break from a channel-based
iterator leaves its goroutine running and some uncollectible garbage.

Then, on my second reading, I had a brainstorm.  I found a trivial
Go extension that would give iterators with no new syntax, no hidden
magic, and no yield/return distinction:

New evaluation rule on how to interpret for loops when the range
operand is a callable: the loop runs as a generator, yielding each
value in succession, until the callable returns the zero value of its

So, with that I could write a Repository method like this:

// Iterator variant A: range stops on a zero value

func (repo *Repository) commits() func() *Commit {
idx := -1
return func() *Commit {
for {
if idx++; idx >= len( {
       return nil
if _, ok =[idx].(*Commit); ok {

...and there I have it.  An iterator, with exactly the same lifetime
as the for loop.

Then I thought it might be best to make this properly parallel to the
way iteration via range works.

// Iterator variant B: stop variable.

func (repo *Repository) commits() func() *Commit {
idx := -1
return func() (*Commit, bool) {
for {
if idx++; idx >= len( {
       return nil, false
if _, ok =[idx].(*Commit); ok {
return[idx], true

With this form the iterator could pass back zero values without
terminating, terminating only when the second return value from the
function-valued range argument goes to false.

I suggest that one of these be adopted for a future release of Go. Small, 
new evaluation rule, big gain in expressiveness.

=== Hieratic documentation ===

Figuring out how to do type-safe polymorphism in the event list was
more difficult than it should have been.  The problem here wasn't the
Go language, it was the official (and unofficial) documentation.

There are two problems here, one of organization and one of style.

The organization problem is that there isn't one.  The official Go
documentation seems to center on the library API docs, the
specification, the Tour, and a couple of "official" essays written for
it. It also includes a corona of white papers and blog posts.  Often
these are valuable deep dives into specific aspects of the language
even when they are notionally obsolete.  Some of them are outside the
boundaries of the official documentation site.

For example, I got substantial help understanding interfaces from an
old blog post by Ian Lance Taylor (one of the Go devs) that was
offsite, dated from 2009, and contained obsolete implementation

The high-level problem is that while the Go devs have done a praiseworthy
and unusually effective job of documenting their language considering
the usual limitations of documentation-by-developers, finding things
in the corona is *hard*.  And knowing what's current is *hard*.

The documentation is (dis)organized in such a way that it's difficult
to know what you still don't know after reading a Tour page or blog
entry or white paper. There should be more "But see here for a
dangerous detail" links, in particular to the language specification.

Style. Go has a problem that is common to new languages with opinionated
developers (this is part of "the usual limitations" above).  There are
one or two exceptions, but the documentation is predominantly written
in a terse, hieratic style that implicitly assumes the reader already
inhabits the mindset of a Go developer.

The documentation is *not* very good at providing an entry path into
that mindset.  Not even for me, and I'm an extreme case of the sort of
person for whom it *should* do an effective job if it can do that for

There is a fix for both problems.  It is not magic, but it is doable.

The Go dev team should bring in a documentation specialist with no
initial knowledge of Go and a directive to try to maintain an
outside-in view of the language as he or she learns.  That specialist
needs to be full-time on the following tasks:

(1) Edit for accessibility - a less hieratic style

(2) Maintain a documentation portal that attempts to provide a
reasonable map of where everything is and how to find it.

(3) Curate links to third-party documents (for example notable Stack
Overflow postings), with dates and attached notes on what parts might
be obsolete and when the document was last reviewed for correctness.

(4) Bring the very best third-party stuff inside, onto

Note: After writing this, I had an even worse time digging up and
fixing in my mind all the details of how defer/panic/recover works.
It's almost all documented somewhere, though Peter Seebach and I ended
up writing a FAQ entry on how to set local variables from a defer clause to
clear up minor confusion. There's a very helpful blog
post on the general topic.  But the blog post leaves out the crucial detail
that recover returns interface {}, not error; this tripped me up when
I was writing my kludge, and I ended up on IRC getting referred to the
formal Go specification.

This is all too typical. Everything makes sense once you know it, but
before you know it critical details are often lurking in places you
have no way of knowing you should look.

Attention to the problem and a good technical writer/editor can fix this.

== Outcomes ==

My performance objectives were achieved. I didn't get a fully 40x
speedup, but only because the running time of the GCC conversion is
dominated by the low speed of the Subversion tools.  The non-I/O
limited part of processing fell from about 7 hours to about 20 minutes
(about 20x), and the overall speedup over Python was about 10x.

Additionally, maximum working set drastically decreased. These
improvements re-enabled the workflow reposurgeon was designed for,
rapid iterative improvement of conversion recipes.

On January 12th 2020 the production conversion of the GC history from
Subversion to Git actually took place.

I am no longer a Go novice. :-)

== Accentuating the positive ==

The Go translation of reposurgeon is better - more maintainable - code
than the Python original, not just faster.  And this is because I
rewrote or refactored as I went; as I've explained, I tried very hard
to avoid that. It's that Go's minimalistic approach

I see a maintainability benefit from the static typing. The Go type
system does what a type system is supposed to do, which is express
program invariants and assist understanding of its operational

The CSP-derived concurrency primitives are a spectacular success
that compensates me for the irritations in the rest of the language.
After finishing the straight-through translation I was able to add
speedups via concurrent gorotines with very little difficulty.

I've also seen a maintainability benefit from how easy Go makes it to
write unit tests in parallel with code.

The Go profiling tools (especially the visualization parts) are
extremely effective, much better at smoking out hidden
superlinearities in algorithms than Python's.

I have to call out the Go time library as a particularly good piece of
work. Having the basic timestamp property be location-aware with its
presentation modified by the implied zone offset simplified a lot
of cruft out of the handling of committer/author dates in Python.

Now that I've seen Go strings...holy hell, Python 3 unicode strings
sure look like a nasty botch in retrospect. Good work not falling into
that trap.

== Pass-by-reference vs. pass-by-value ==

I think I can say now that once one has a translation from Python to
Go that compiles, the largest single sources of bugs is the difference
between Python pass-by-reference semantics for object and Go
pass-by-value.  Especially when iterating over lists.

Go "for i, node := range nodelist" looks very similar to Python 
"for (i, node) in enumerate nodelist"; the gotcha is that Go's
pass by value semantics means that altering members of node 
will *not* mutate the nodelist.

The fix isn't very difficult; this

        for i := range nodelist {
        node := &nodelist[i]


often suffices. 

I don't have any recommended language change around this, as I don't
think Go's choice is wrong. I do think the fact that this relatively 
minor issue is one of the larger translation barriers is interesting.

== Envoi: Actionable recommendations ==

These are in what I consider rough priority order.

1. Keyword arguments should be added to the language.

2. True iterators are felt by their absence and would be easy to add.

3. Any enlargement in the range of what can be declared const
   would be good for safety and expressiveness.

4. Yes, throw()/catch() needs to be writeable in the language.  Two
   minimal relaxations of compilation rules would make writing it

5. A technical writer with an outside-in view of the language should
   be hired on to do an edit pass and reorganization of the documents.

6. Lookbehinds should be added to the regexp library.

7. If generics don't fly, a map-over-slice intrinsic should be added.

Not quite actionable yet:

* Absence of sum types creates an actual hole in the type-safety of
  the language.

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