I'm afraid your question is a bit confusing, which may account for some of 
the responses you have received so far. Here is what I think you are asking 
for. You want to define an interface which *your *package will use, and *other 
*packages will implement. You want to put restrictions on what these 
implementation can do within the methods that satisfy the interface. In 
this case it is immutability. Is that correct?

If so, then I believe the simple answer is no. If packages over which you 
have no control implement your interface you can not enforce what those 
methods do. Your only real option is to clearly document in your interface 
definition what you expect. 

But that's not all that problematic. This is really true for any aspect of 
the functionality implemented by an interface. Simply matching the method 
signatures is enough for the compiler to allow a type to implement the 
interface. But in almost every case that is not actually enough to satisfy 
the intent of the interface. The coder must carefully take into account the 
required documented behavior of the interface as well. If a coder chooses 
to implement an interface in a way that violates the documented 
requirements then they are a bad coder, and should expect bad results when 
they try to use that interface. Go coders are used to reading and following 
the interface requirements as documented. 

On Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 11:16:37 AM UTC-5, advand...@gmail.com 
> Dear Gophers!
> I was wonder if it possible to force immutability on the method receiver? 
> I know Go doesn't support immutable types and that it is possible to pass 
> the receiver by value but if the receiver struct has a field with a pointer 
> type the method may still manipulate it:
> type Counter struct {
>  n *int
> }
> func (c Counter) Render() string {
>  *c.n += 1
>  return strconv.Itoa(*c.n)
> }
> I would like to force (or hint) the the user in writing interface{ 
> Render() string } implementations that don't manipulate the method 
> receiver. So that they can be considered 'pure' in the functional sense of 
> the word and can be called repeatedly without side effects. I would like 
> the user to be able to define implementations of interface{ Render() 
> string }such that I can safely call the method and use the returned 
> string to write a http.Reponse without it changing between requests. 
> I control the way in which Render is called and I am open to crazy answers 
> such as:
> - Maybe it is possible to use reflect to "switch" out the value receiver 
> for a temporary value which is discarded after every call?
> - Maybe i can use static code analysis to warn the user? How feasible is 
> it to prevent all cases of this happening with just static code analysis? 
> can this be done at runtime?
> - I could instead ask the user to provide a factory function that init new 
> Counters but maybe very inefficient if the structs are very large (or have 
> many nested structs)?
> Or maybe there is some possibility that I'm missing?
> Cheers,
> Ad

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