On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 9:49 AM Robert Engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> They can't unless the instance field is exported. Just hide it via 
> encapsulation with accessors.

Can't do that with a receiver. All methods of a type are in the same
package as the type, so all fields are visible to the receiver.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: advanderv...@gmail.com
> Sent: Nov 21, 2019 10:15 AM
> To: golang-nuts
> Subject: [go-nuts] Enforce immutability through static analysis
> Dear Gophers!
> I was wonder if it possible to force immutability on the method receiver? I 
> know Go doesn't support immutable types and that it is possible to pass the 
> receiver by value but if the receiver struct has a field with a pointer type 
> the method may still manipulate it:
> type Counter struct {
>  n *int
> }
> func (c Counter) Render() string {
>  *c.n += 1
>  return strconv.Itoa(*c.n)
> }
> I would like to force (or hint) the the user in writing interface{ Render() 
> string } implementations that don't manipulate the method receiver. So that 
> they can be considered 'pure' in the functional sense of the word and can be 
> called repeatedly without side effects. I would like the user to be able to 
> define implementations of interface{ Render() string }such that I can safely 
> call the method and use the returned string to write a http.Reponse without 
> it changing between requests.
> I control the way in which Render is called and I am open to crazy answers 
> such as:
> - Maybe it is possible to use reflect to "switch" out the value receiver for 
> a temporary value which is discarded after every call?
> - Maybe i can use static code analysis to warn the user? How feasible is it 
> to prevent all cases of this happening with just static code analysis? can 
> this be done at runtime?
> - I could instead ask the user to provide a factory function that init new 
> Counters but maybe very inefficient if the structs are very large (or have 
> many nested structs)?
> Or maybe there is some possibility that I'm missing?
> Cheers,
> Ad
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