On Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 12:27:32 PM UTC-4, Dan Eloff wrote:
> I couldn't use <-channel.Close since in my case the goroutine isn't 
> guaranteed to have something sent, so that would leak goroutines. I added a 
> cleanup goroutine to scan timed-out channels and close them, which solves 
> this problem. But now I can use that close as a signal to the receiver than 
> the a timeout happened, and eliminate the select and the race entirely. The 
> close can in rare cases race with the sender, but that's easily enough 
> fixed:
> // TrySend tries to send on a possibly closed channel and handles the 
> panic if necessary.
> // Returns true if conn was successfully sent over the channel.
> func (waiter *Waiter) TrySend(conn Connection) (sent bool) {
>     defer func() {
>         r := recover()
>         sent = r != nil
>     }()
>     waiter.channel <- conn
>     return
> }
So I guess the best thing to do in these cases is don't combine select with 
> sending unmanaged resources over a channel. It's probably worth warning 
> about this problem in the docs for select? It's not an obvious gotcha.

The best thing to do is to not use unmanaged resources. This is obviously 
not always possible, but when you *have* to use unmanaged resources, and 
you care about cleaning them up, you must use a lot of care. This is not a 
problem specific to select. It is possible to correctly use select with 
unmanaged resources. It just takes more thought, and a really solid 
understanding of the language and the principals of concurrency and 
ownership to get it right. 

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