On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 07:37:20 -0500
Robert Engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> This will never work because of dependent resource allocation.
> And you wouldn’t be able to check resources against nil if they are structs,
> so you have no way to properly cleanup up.
> If would quickly degenerate back to if err != nil. 

If the functions called in the block follow bad practices - 
yes, then the `check` will be harder[1] to use for them.  

> As in
> check(err!=nil){
> token, err = getToken()
> reader,err = getReader(token)
> db,err = get DB(reader)
> catch:

>    How do you know know which resources need to be closed/cleaned-up

Because I wrote the getToken and getReader and getDB to return zero
object on err and gave their .Clean() / .Close() methods ability to be invoked
multiple times ? :)

[1] // make bad implementations usable with check: 

token := &tokenType{} // assume a pointer out of your "against nil" 
reader := new(dummy.Reader)
db := new(mock.DB)

Anyway, your concerns are sound and need (documentation side) attention. Thank 

Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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