The `func check(Condition bool) {}` applies to the block that follows.
Within this block, every statement that on its left-hand side has any
variable that is present in the "Condition" expression is supplemented
with an implicit check of `if Condition { goto catch }` form.

The 'catch:' label can be given explicit, or be assumed implicit at
last statement of the block.

// Condition is not restricted to `err != nil`. 
// Below snippet will `break` if x was < 4 after any of trX calls:

check(x < 4)
    x, y = trA(x, z)
    y, z = trB(x, y) // no x on lhs, no check
    x, y = trC(y, z)

// `check` helps the most where many repetitive checks
// are to be performed in close proximity.

check(err != nil)
    ucred, err         := getUserCredentials(user)
    remote, err        := connectToApi(remoteUri)
    err, session, utok := remote.Auth(user, ucred)
    udata, err         := session.getCalendar(utok)

  catch:               // sad path, err != nil
    ucred.Clear()      // cleanup passwords
    remote.Close()     // do not leak sockets
    return nil, 0,     // dress before leaving
      fmt.Errorf("Can not get user's Calendar because of: %v", err)
// happy path

The proposal is at

Please leave a comment for your possible thumb-down, as
I would like to know about flaws I do not see as the author.

Thank you,

Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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