On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 11:22 AM Martin Schnabel <m...@mb0.org> wrote:

> I would guess, that most of respondents using go for game development,
> use it on the server side. Think multi-, browser- or mobile-games.
Many modern games have considerable server side code bases as well for all
kinds of things. And if you are a major popular game, you easily have
100_000 concurrent users on your platform. A lot of the work here doesn't
even require low-latency operation as long as you can stay within certain
parameters, so a 10ms pause here and there is probably acceptable. More
involved stuff such as physics simulation in the "cloud" could also be
doable given the low-pause GC Go employs.

I think there are some good explanations of e.g., the cloud infrastructure
of Elite Dangerous out there. I think it is mostly C# or PHP (can't
remember), but it doesn't look like something you couldn't write in Go.
Halo used C# and the "Orleans" model. That also screams a Goroutine-like
solution is possible with a little bit of work.

So I think there are many good reasons for using something like Go in
modern game development, albeit not on the client side, yet (where C++ and
Lua tends to reign supreme).

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