If I had to process messages from both high and low priority channels I
would serialise then with a min heap and create a consumer process for the
min heap. The min heap seems to be the canonical way of solving the
priority queues anyway, so I think it makes sense here.
Basically: goroutine 1 reads both channels and insert them into the
min-heap. goroutine 2 reads from min heap and do the processing.

Daniela Petruzalek
Software Engineer

Em qui, 14 de fev de 2019 às 15:34, <kangli...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> select {
> case highVal := <- high:
> case lowVal := <- low:
>         if len(high) > 0 {
>             for len(high) > 0 {
>                 highVal := <- high
>             }
>         }
>         // process lowVal
> }
> On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 5:16:16 AM UTC+8, Erwin Driessens wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i wonder how to implement channel priorities nicely. Say there are two
>> channels, one with a higher priority than the other, and a goroutine
>> waiting for incoming data on these channels. I have read that select picks
>> a random case when multiple channels are ready. I thought of nesting
>> selects: putting the lower priority select in the default case of the
>> higher priority select, and have the default case of the inner (low
>> priority) select do nothing. This leads to a kind of busy wait loop. I
>> could call a short sleep, but that still isn't very clean. Is there a
>> better way?
>> Why aren't the select cases evaluated in order?
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