On 23-05-2019, Sam Whited wrote:
> Thank you for writing your reply Ian. Since it's a rather long post I
> don't want to go through it point by point, but suffice it to say that I
> agree with most of what you've written. However, I also agree that Go is
> Google's language, and that in its current form this is a problem. I'm going 
> to talk about two related but distinct probles here:
> It's good to have strong central leadership, and I'm okay with that
> leadership being employed by Google. The problem is that the Go team
> doesn't always appear to be interested in listening to the rest of the
> community. We saw this when the modules proposal was created and rushed
> out without adequate community feedback; after the push back against
> that the Go team promised to do better, but they're still putting out
> proposals with little to no opportunity to make significant changes (eg.
> the package sum proposal which was put out, and then almost immediately
> merged, made into a release, and then made the default behavior).

I don't think the Go team doesn't listen to the community about modules,
quite the opposite technicaly speaking.

But i share your concern about proxy.golang.org being the default.
Because of privacy but also because it immediatly break private repos
and some country.

I believe it could be just fine if it's opt-in, specially that in the
alpha stage...

And thanks Ian for your writing. I'm every day surprise to see how a
language can fit at the same time a big compagny and an independant 
developer ! scaling is that !


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