> As language choice becomes more arbitrary, and transpilers more common, 
> personal preferred syntax / language features may end up being handled like 
> code formatting rules. So In Peter++ I could then use all the syntax I like, 
> transpile that to WASM or LLVM, and someone else working on that code 
> transpiles it back into Gopher++ to make a change.

That appears to be more of a bug than a feature to me, and a nightmare of 
incompatible source code. Imagine everyone on a team having their source code 
in their own flavor of a language? And I have yet to see a transpiler maintain 
100% compatibility in both directions.

Sounds like pure hell to me.

IMO transpilers are a hack that come with lots of downsides. Also IMO 
developers use transpilers because those controlling the evolution of a 
language have not been responsive to the needs of their developers (I am mainly 
looking at CSS here, not Go.)

I for one pine for a day that will likely never come when transpilers are no 
longer needed for development (I am not referring to go generate here, but 
tools to input one language and output another.)



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