Agree with 
Mike Schinkel 

if IF become functional  then useful
else if it is just a syntax change have absolutely no interest 

On Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 10:20:54 AM UTC-4, Sam Whited wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 14:08, Mark Volkmann wrote: 
> > Are there really developers that find this unreadable? 
> > 
> > color := temperature > 80 ? “red” : “green” 
> Yes. 
> What is "?"? If I've never seen that before I have no easy way to search 
> for that, and a random symbol me nothing about what it does. Go 
> specifically tries to stick to keywords because even if you've never 
> seen them before it's generally easier to figure out what they do (or to 
> search for them if you're not sure). 

|Given that, I am curious what your thoughts would be if this were possible 
in Go instead?
|  color := if temperature > 80 then “red” else “green” 

|And especially if this formatting were valid:
|  color := if temperature > 80 
|      then “red” 
|      else “green”  

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