
Chris kindly searched collisions on his 6 TiB ram server and we could
not find any for more than 5 x 2^37 inputs (for both + and ^ versions)
! Final version of the hash is available at

Let me know if you find one ;)

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 10:44 AM Chris Burkert <burkert.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good Morning Serhat, here it is:
> # time ./prime2x
> prime2x xor: 0 collisions
> real    355m51.484s
> user    12490m36.231s
> sys     4079m42.192s
>>>> Am Mo., 18. Feb. 2019 um 08:47 Uhr schrieb Serhat Sevki Dincer 
>>>> <jfcga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Great, can you also try xor version?
>>>>> I wonder if it will have any collisions.
>>>>> I made a tiny improvement to sorting here github.com/jfcg/sorty
>>>>> Thanks..
>>>>> 18 Şub 2019 Pzt 10:42 tarihinde Chris Burkert <burkert.ch...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> şunu yazdı:
>>>>>> Hello Serhat,
>>>>>> this time it ran fine:
>>>>>> # time ./prime2m
>>>>>> prime2m add: 0 collisions
>>>>>> real    350m28.446s
>>>>>> user    12765m29.456s
>>>>>> sys     5997m49.762s
>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> Am Mo., 18. Feb. 2019 um 08:11 Uhr schrieb Serhat Sevki Dincer 
>>>>>> <jfcga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Thanks, how is the new code doing in terms of cpu / ram usage?
>>>>>>> Is it still running?

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package main

// Collision test for a simple hash with short utf8 text inputs
// Author: Serhat Şevki Dinçer, jfcgaussATgmail

import (

func Txt2int(s string) uint64 {
	x := uint64(len(s))
	for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		x *= 11400714819323198549
		x ^= uint64(s[i])
	return x

const N = 687194767360 // 274877906944

var hl = make([]uint64, N)              // hash list: 5 TiB ram
var bf = [6]byte{30, 255, 127, 1, 1, 1} // input buffer
var sgch = make(chan bool, 1)

func hashRange(hl []uint64, bf [6]byte, signal bool) {
	for i := len(hl) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		hl[i] = Txt2int(string(bf[:]))

		// next utf8-ish input
		for k := 5; ; k-- {
			bf[k] += 4

			if bf[k] > 3 {
			bf[k]++ // continue with carry

	if signal {
		sgch <- true

func main() {
	const Q = N / 4 // 4 goroutines will fill hash list
	for k := 0; k < 3; k++ {
		go hashRange(hl[k*Q:(k+1)*Q], bf, true)
	hashRange(hl[3*Q:], bf, false) // main is the 4th goroutine

	for k := 0; k < 3; k++ {
		<-sgch // wait friends

	sorty.ArU8 = hl
	k := 0
	for i := N - 1; i > 0; i-- {
		if hl[i] == hl[i-1] {
	fmt.Println("prime2x xor:", k, "collisions") // xor

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