good observations.

here is a help for you... your program modified to do any size computation
in any size of memory
(so you need not look for that special machine)

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 10:11 PM Serhat Sevki Dincer <>

> 14 Şub 2019 Per 01:58 tarihinde Michael Jones <>
> şunu yazdı:
>> Serhat,
>> Some more ideas for you to consider: the expected number of collisions
>> for an ideal random hash, the option of "folding in" the high bits of the
>> hash rather than truncating, and finer control of operation.
> Hi Michael,
> Here with your variant:
> x = uint64(1<<64-59) ^ uint64(len(s))
> for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
> x ^= uint64(s[i])
> x *= 11400714819323198549
> }
> // fold high bits
> you have a direct collision with input length's lowest byte (which is
> practically the length) and input's first byte. This is better for
> initialization:
> x = uint64(len(s))
> x *= 11400714819323198549
> at the cost of an extra multiplication.
> Folding high bits does not change collision characteristic, right?
> Also when the last operation is a multiplication, you don't seem to need
> it, if at all it is useful.


*Michael T. <>*

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