On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 7:39 PM Thomas Bushnell, BSG <tbushn...@google.com>

>> The server crashes - that's how we handle "any other exception", as a
> rule.
I write Erlang for a living. We don't crash a server, ever, on a failure.
Unless the failure is persistent :)

> I don't know what you mean by "just fork the process". First, if you're
> transpiling into Go, that's not a good strategy. Second, are you suggesting
> the transpiler would automatically rewrite the request handling loop to
> avoid the harm of crashes?
I wasn't specifically thinking about Go here. In particular, Go doesn't
have the properties I sketched out, so I'm not sure a C-to-Go compiler
would solve the problem.

Personally, I think C-to-C translation in the style of CCured is the most
likely successful path. But I still like the idea of embedding a C program
into another language, thus forming a symbiotic relationship between the


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