I don't get the impression that we are going to see generics in Go anytime
soon. I'll be surprised to see it before 2020. So until then, I like having
a library like this even if it uses reflection.

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 2:14 PM roger peppe <rogpe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's obvious that you've put a lot of effort into this! Here's some
> feedback.
> I have to say this first: this *is* a very non-Go-idiomatic API. It's
> fundamentally based around reflection, and reflection in Go is generally
> considered to be best avoided apart from some core libraries. Calling a
> function with reflect is orders of magnitude slower than calling it
> directly, and the lack of compiler type checking can make for code that's
> hard to understand when it goes wrong. So I wouldn't use this in production
> code.
> That said, it's a fun API and a great way to experiment with some of the
> things that can be done in Go if we sacrifice compile-type type checking.
> Taking it at face value, here are a few random thoughts:
> - improve the doc comments. Go automatically generates documentation for
> you (for example https://godoc.org/github.com/wesovilabs/koazee/stream)
> and that's the usual place for people to read package documentation.
> Everything that's exported should have a relevant doc comment. There
> shouldn't be any need to generate custom API documentation.
> - avoid making public methods return private types. When a public method
> returns a private type, the documentation fails because it does not display
> methods on private types.
> - it's almost always better to use the builtin sort package (
> https://golang.org/pkg/sort) rather than rolling your own.
> - it's probably best not to use an arbitrary definition of equality
> (stream.equalsValues), but to either use plain "==" or accept an equality
> function.
> - it would be nice for it to work on arbitrary streams. This actually
> isn't too hard. Here's a way of doing it that works on an arbitrary
> Iterator interface, so it can iterate over channels, bufio.Scanner, etc.
> https://play.golang.org/p/PXHuD1pR5uC
> Finally, if/when generics eventually make it into Go, this kind of API
> will no longer have a huge overhead. I think I'd probably wait until
> then... :)
>   cheers,
>     rog.
> On Sun, 11 Nov 2018 at 19:27, Iván Corrales Solera <
> ivan.corrales.sol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey guys, last weeks I've been working on Koazee and I just released a
>> very first version Titi, v0.0.1 . Koazee is a golang library inspired in
>> Lazy evaluation and functional programming that provides us a rich set of
>> operations that can be done over arrays. If you like the clean code and the
>> functional programming I am sure you enjoy it!
>> Documentation is hosted http://wesovilabs.com/koazee/
>> And the full code can be found on Github,
>> https://github.com/wesovilabs/koazee
>> Any feedback or recommendation will be appreciated! Cheers
>> --
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R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.

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