On Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 6:33:26 AM UTC-4, alanfo wrote:
> However, I think it's important to learn the lessons of the past and not 
> follow languages such as C++ or Scala where you can overload virtually 
> anything or even make up your own operators which can result in confusing 
> or even write-only code.

Strongly agreed.   I too would be OK with only allowing a simple subset of 
operators to be overloaded - excluding && and ||, notably; I wrote up that 
possibility as a way of exploring the edges of the proposal. not as  a 
serious amendment.

On the other hand, I think it's important as a matter of good interface 
psychology not to be arbitrary.  That is, having introduced "implements", 
the question "why can't I overload operator foo" should always have an 
answer that is principled and specific to a given operator.  For example, 
we might disallow / because the relationship between its operand types and 
result type is not obvious by inspection.

That criterion might also be a principled way to knock out short-circuit 
use of && and || on non-booleans.  On the other hand, I don't know that I 
want to be quite that austere.  If someone said to me "I want to overload 
<- for a struct wrapping a channel type, why is that excluded," I don't 
think I'd have a satisfactory answer

I would also disallow overloading of the =, :=, <-, ..., [], {}, () and yes 
> - equality operators - as well because I believe to do otherwise would be 
> very confusing. 

I wouldn't exclude ==.  Even if we have to have a special exclusion for 
pointer types,  any generic/overloading system that didn't support that is 
something most people who want generics would regard as a cruel tease.

:= is not an operator at all in Go (and nor is =), unless I'm missing 
something basic.  I don't usually think of  [], {}, () as operators either, 
though one could make a case for [] as a dyadic indexing/mapping operator.  
I wouldn't be hostile to including that in the allowed set, but I wouldn't 
cry if it were excluded either.

Another possibility would be to introduce two new ordering operators, 
> perhaps >< (for ==) and <> (for !=), which *could* be overloaded though 
> the first of these would take some getting used to!

This is not keeping it simple. Excuse me, but I think you are now making 
the sound of someone getting lost in the weeds. ;-)

As for Eric's proposal - using an 'implements' keyword - I like it for the 
> following reasons:
> 1. It avoids the need to make up a long list of names for the operators 
> which folks either have to remember or look up in the spec.
> 2. It makes it easier to retrofit operator overloading to existing types 
> for which suitable methods have already been defined.
> 3. As 'implements' would only be used in contexts which don't exist at 
> present, it needn't be a 'full' keyword and would therefore be backwards 
> compatible.

These points had occurred to me, though I did not make them explicit in my 
proposal.  In my invention process, the idea of using operator signatures 
as implied contracts came first. I was then searching for a way to restrict 
the parse context in which new syntax might collide with identifiers in 
existing code and came up with the "implements" clause and its location 
just before a method's leading { as a way to accomplish that restriction.

> One area that hasn't been addressed so far is conversions. To convert to 
> say, int64, I'd suggest 'implements int64()' and to convert from int64 
> perhaps 'implements T(int64)' where T is the method's receiver type. TBH, I 
> don't particularly like the idea of user-defined conversions at all but 
> they're probably inevitable if you want to have unified generic constraints 
> and at least they'd always be explicit.

I am neutral on whether the contract system should support conversions.  If 
the consensus is that they're needed, fine by me; if not, also fine by me.  
I do not regard either position as a hill that "implements" should die on.

> Subject to all this, I think it might well be possible to get rid of 
> contracts and just use interfaces for generic constraints.

That was more or less my goal.  All the contract proposals I have seen 
struck me as clever but overweight.

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