Thanks for posting that very interesting link, Robert.

I'd remembered that Sun originally attempted to standardize Java in the 
late 1990s but later withdrew it. However, I didn't know their reasons for 
this until now.


On Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 7:10:42 PM UTC+1, robert engels wrote:
> This may be of interest 
> On Oct 13, 2018, at 12:18 PM, alanfo < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> May I remind those who are in favor of Go standardization that Java and 
> Python have never been standardized by ISO/ANSI/ECMA but that hasn't 
> prevented them from becoming extremely successful languages.
> I find it hard to believe that there are large organizations in this day 
> and age who eschew the use of these languages solely because they're not 
> standardized.
> Their reference implementations are in effect 'de facto' standards and I 
> don't see why Go, which has a complete and very clear specification, can't 
> become the same. 
> Alan
> On Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 5:48:57 PM UTC+1, Michael Jones wrote:
>> I was the engineering director for OpenGL’s birth and growth at SGI and 
>> have perspective on that process, and was for a long time a board member of 
>> the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and have views from those ISO-related 
>> adventures. 
>> I’m with Ian on this—I quite deeply respect standards but see them best 
>> as “recognition of standard practice” rather than “political arena to fight 
>> out new ideas.” The political aspect is not evil, it is simply 
>> acknowledgement of the need to respect diverse stakeholders; but what is 
>> bad about it, technically, is that the path finding of a small inspired 
>> team easily gets lost in the chorus of multitudes wanting everything.
>> In UNIX you had a small inspired team. In almost every really great, 
>> lasting technology you have <= 20 people, often <= 2, who are making the 
>> contentious decisions. That is a critical number. The smallness allows a 
>> cohesive thought process, which allows spirit and flow. Big groupthink 
>> tends the other way, often with better individual decisions but with ideas 
>> that seem almost randomly distributed across the design space.  
>> I would vote to standardize Go 1 when Go 2 is out. 
>> On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 8:16 AM Ian Lance Taylor <> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 7:55 AM, Beoran <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > In certain environments, such as for government contracting in certain 
>>> countries, or for certain large corporations, or for developing safety 
>>> critical applications using certain international standards, only 
>>> programming languages that are officially standardized may be used. While 
>>> Go would be an excellent language for such government or safety critical 
>>> applications, it's acceptance is hampered due to the lack of an official 
>>> standard.
>>> >
>>> > While this is in essence a formality, which would entail submitting 
>>> the current Go language specification with the ANSI, and then have it 
>>> propagate to the ISO, I do appreciate that will take quite some time and 
>>> effort. But to further the acceptance of Go language, I would propose that 
>>> Google invests the necessary resources to make this happen, with support 
>>> from the community to edit the standard document if needed.
>>> >
>>> > The standard should probably be based on Go 1, since Go 2 is still 
>>> largely undecided and probably 5 years in the future.
>>> >
>>> > If you are worried about using Go for safety critical applications 
>>> consider this: it is rare that the compiler builder gives any safety 
>>> warranty, although there are some safety certified C compilers. But for 
>>> similar certified Go compilers to be developed, we need an official 
>>> standard first.
>>> >
>>> > Even if the compiler is not certified, you can still use it if you 
>>> validate it yourself. This implementation of go has extensive unit tests 
>>> which simplifies such validation a lot.
>>> >
>>> > I know of some safety critical software that is implemented in C and 
>>> compiled with GCC. As a language, Go is far safer than that, and that is 
>>> also why we need a standard, to be able to get away from C for some safety 
>>> applications.
>>> There are significant disadvantages to the standardization process.
>>> It is slow.
>>> It is easily politicized, with the possibility that changes to the
>>> language twill be determined by those with the patience and
>>> wherewithal to work through the standardization process, rather than
>>> those with a clear understanding of how the language will work best.
>>> This is not an inevitable result, but it is a risk.
>>> A likely approach to Go 2 is to roll out changes over time through a
>>> series of releases.  That would be inhibited by a standardization
>>> process.
>>> The advantages that you describe for standardization are essentially
>>> bureaucratic: some organizations require a certain approach, not
>>> because it is clearly better in all cases, but because that it their
>>> preferred process.  They could choose to change their requirements,
>>> with no affect on Go.  Meeting their requirements will inevitably have
>>> an effect on Go.
>>> I note that C was standardized nearly 20 years after it was developed,
>>> and C++ took about 16 years.  In both cases there were multiple
>>> implementations from different organizations, so there were additional
>>> benefits to standardization.  Go is not yet ten years old, and there
>>> are not as yet significant competing implementations.
>>> At this stage of the lifetime of the programming language, I think
>>> that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.
>>> Ian
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>> *Michael T.*
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