On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 06:15:16 +0200, you wrote:

>But that is not what I am getting at. Five years ago I was somewhat
>involved in the effort to make Ruby an ISO standard language. From the get
>go it was a largely bureaucratic effort. We specified a common sub set of a
>then already old version of Ruby and made enough loopholes to make sure
>that any Ruby out there could be considered confirming to the standard.
>Why? You can perhaps not appreciate how powerful the bureaucrats can be in
>some countries and corporations. Since Ruby became an ISO standard, I have
>been able to convince those bureaucrats to let me use Ruby where I was
>barred from doing so before.
So, the question is are you able to use any version of Ruby, or are
you restricted to the ISO version of Ruby?

If you are restricted to the ISO version that it is a very bad thing
because you are inherently then holding back the forward progress of
the language by forcing people to use an old version.

If you can use any version of Ruby then you have demonstrated that the
ISO certification isn't worth the paper its printed on.

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