2018-05-14 20:39 GMT+05:30 <matthewju...@gmail.com>:

> They might have been looking for something like this:
> github.com/psankar/network-monitor
>     package monitor code files
>     cmd/
>         minion/
>             package main code files
>         server/
>             package main code files

The reviewer mentioned that the code was not easy to work with and
unstructured. So I am almost sure that it has nothing to do with the
package structure. Your mail however gave me an idea about using gocyclo
and it found a score of 23 for the code, which is bordering on bad code.
May be I could restructure into different functions a bit. Thanks.

> In a code review I would mention the use of packages as not being ideal,
> but that’s just my opinion. You seem able to write Go code, but there
> aren’t tests in this solution. How did you verify it?

I had some tests but I did not include them in the github repo. They were
not very exhaustive, but just covered the basic cases, through a script
that will add/remove files and contents.

> Maybe you passed but there was a better candidate?

Could be.

> Matt
> On Monday, May 14, 2018 at 6:35:23 AM UTC-5, Sankar wrote:
>> Hi
>> I was recently asked in an interview to write a golang program for a
>> problem that involves working with a million nodes. I did write a program
>> that solved the problem statement. However, I was told that the solution
>> was "poorly structured", but I did not get any detailed review comments
>> though.
>> So, I recreated the solution in github and wanted to know if anyone could
>> give some review comments as to what you see as bad things in the code.
>> The problem statement, code and the instructions are at:
>> https://github.com/psankar/network-monitor
>> I personally felt that the code (written in about 6 hours for the
>> interview) is good and I would've hired anyone writing this, but may be I
>> am biased because it is written by me. I want to improve my Golang skills
>> and your review comments would be helpful. Any help ?
>> If the golang list is unsuitable for this, you can even email me,
>> individually, with the review comments.
>> Thanks.
>> Sankar
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Sankar P

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