Oh that’s awesome! I didn’t realise they were supporting desktop now. It
sounded like it was abandoned in a push to focus on the mobile experience.
On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 4:36 PM, Ged Wed <ged...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I used QT for 6 months and Flutter is way ahead.
> QT has a huge licensing issue. You can only use QT and not pay a yearly
> fee of 3 k if you provide the ability for end users to recompile your app
> against QT.
> Also it's got a lot of rough edges once you get into the 80/20 situation
> on real world apps.
> It takes 20% of your time to get 80% of your app done, and 80% of your
> time to get the last 20% of your app done.
> Flutters plug-in system avoids you getting cornered in the 80/20 situation.
> I started to do an integration of botldb and some other golang code but am
> half way through. From what I can see there are no roadblocks. There is one
> issue with APK packing but I think it just need a script to fix it.
> I have not published on GitHub yet because it's not done but will..gedw99
> is my GitHub org
> There is a repo there called CI where I am also getting continuous build
> going for flutter with golang for iOS and Android.
> I intend to extend it for all Desktops too.
> https://github.com/gedw99/ci
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2018, 10:16 PM Justin Israel <justinisr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018, 9:28 AM Ged Wed <ged...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am starting to develop an app using flutter and golang.
>>> Flutter is the dumb GUI and everything else is written in golang.
>>> It is reasonably easy to compile your golang code using gomobile and
>>> then bind to flutter using the Method Channel API that flutter provides.
>>> Is anyone interested in this ?
>> I was just recently considering getting some mobile dev practice in, and
>> was thinking whether to use a flutter approach or something with Qt and
>> gomobile. I would be very interested in reading a write up of your
>> experience getting started with Flutter + gomobile
>>> Flutter now runs on all desktops and mobiles officially. The desktop
>>> version was announced 2 weeks ago and already Linux and macOS works, with
>>> Windows probably being a few weeks away from what I guesstimate.
>>> The cool thing about this is that you get a very well supported and high
>>> performance GUI engine for Forms and 2D. 3D is still not provided by has
>>> been stated by the team to be looked at later.
>>> Anyway I hope to spark some interest in this and I will be putting up
>>> some demo code on my git hub repo and hope others are interested enough to
>>> also give it a try and work through it.
>>> How to write a plug-in:
>>> https://flutter.io/platform-channels/
>>> Plugins already available :
>>> https://pub.dartlang.org/flutter/packages
>>> Printing.
>>> They have not yet officially committed to how cross platform out put to
>>> PDF and XPS ( for windows ) will be supported.
>>> Under the covers Flutter is using the same engine that Google Chrome
>>> browser uses; called Skia.
>>> Skia has an API for printing web pages and it uses pdfium under the hood.
>>> It seams logical that the Flutter team will also start using this method
>>> to provide built in PDF output and even print spooling but from what I can
>>> see it's not resolved yet.
>>> All other things like touch, keyboard, sound, gestures etc are all built
>>> into Flutter because it's built into Skia.
>>> Would be great to hear if there is a strong interest in this and to
>>> discuss .
>>> --
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