>> Actors have an advantage when used for distributed systems. If two actors 
>> on different boxes communicate with each other it is not a problem to make 
>> communication work without data loss through the principle of supervision. 
>> Supervision is the idea Joe Armstrong (the creator of Erlang) described in 
>> his PhD thesis. If two actors communicating with each other, realize 
>> something in the communication must have gone wrong (timeout waiting for 
>> ack, etc.), a third supervisory actor is informed which resets both actors 
>> who then restart from some safe point. There are hierarchies of supervisory 
>> actors to deal with the problem that also a superviory actor may hang or be 
>> subject to data loss. 
It would be a nice project to develop distributed channels in Go where 
dataloss through the wire cannot happen, because the implementation of 
those distributed channels relies on supervision. Maybe in Go 1.11 ? :-)

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