Thanks everyone and thanks Haddock for such a detailed response. Few

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 2:32 PM, Haddock <> wrote:

> The main difference is that goroutines do blocking takes from channels
> whereas actors receive asynchronous events. This means that actors have to
> deal with all the situations in asynchronous programming that are
> inherently difficult to deal with (inherently means there is no general way
> to solve this and never will be).
Why we are calling out its difficult to handle asynchronous programming? I
have done many node js project in real world, and for me if once you
understand how asynchronous programming works, its simple mental model. I
just feel interested, as you have said it would be difficult to handle

> The approach with blocking takes as in CSP and in Go runs into a problem
> when a thread blocked by an empty channel is lost for the application.
> Somehen then operationg system has no memory left to create new threads.
> This is being dealt with by having so called green threads (called
> goroutines in Go). Green threads have a reduced context and therefore
> consume less memory. On a machine with 4 GB RAM you can create about 2000
> OS threads but about 80.000 goroutines (I once tried it out). So in Go you
> don't run into the problem that many empty channels with threads being
> blocked by them till they receive input can make the application go out of
> threads.

I guess, its 80,000. Should be a typo. Also all goroutines are called as
green threads? I read somewhere they start with stack size of 4k, and
expand when needed. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

> Actors have an advantage when used for distributed systems. If two actors
> on different boxes communicate with each other it is not a problem to make
> communication work without data loss through the principle of supervision.
> Supervision is the idea Joe Armstrong (the creator of Erlang) described in
> his PhD thesis. If two actors communicating with each other, realize
> something in the communication must have gone wrong (timeout waiting for
> ack, etc.), a third supervisory actor is informed which resets both actors
> who then restart from some safe point. There are hierarchies of supervisory
> actors to deal with the problem that also a superviory actor may hang or be
> subject to data loss.
> Also, actors are served by normal threads (making use of thread pools to
> keep the number of memory intensive threads low). These normal threads do
> not have a reduced context, but a full one. This means that the information
> is present where some preemption took place where the thread needs to
> continue when resumed after suspension. Not so for green threads, because
> of their context being reduced, they are not pre-emptive. The developer in
> some situations needs to know that the current green thread/goroutine needs
> to yield for things to continue.
> Channels in Go or CSP in general, on the contrary, rely on data exchange
> between channels to be free from any data loss. Otherwise the application
> may sit forever on some empty channel. This is no problem for channels
> inside the same instance of some program, but it is a problem in
> distributed systems that have to deal with communication through networks
> being unreliable.
> In general with CSP-style concurrency it is much easier to get process
> synchronization right. If there is a problem, it is much easier to spot it
> and also to fix it. If have spent years of reproducing race conditions and
> deadlocks and fixing them with "traditional" programming languages without
> CSP. Saying that CSP makes concurrent programming much easier is something
> I can confirm from real-world experience. But they don't work well in
> distributed systems and when pre-emption is a necessity (shut down nuclear
> power plant when temperature threshold is exceeded here and now).
> There is also CSP in the working for the JVM with Coroutines in Kotlin and
> project Loom for the JVM. The advantes of CSP for server-side programming
> and concurrency in general have become apparent also to other people ... ;-)
> Nice, not sure if coroutines in kotlin are same as Goroutine -- mainly
they also work as "green threads"?

> Am Sonntag, 4. März 2018 18:00:54 UTC+1 schrieb Anto Aravinth:
>> Hello All,
>> I'm new to golang and trying to understand the difference between
>> channels and actors. From my knowledge:
>> 1. Golang support channels, which is concurrently safe
>> 2. Channels can be shared across goroutines that are running. (very much
>> similar to messages)
>> Actors:
>> 1. They are based on messages.
>> 2. Messages are immutable by nature.
>> 3. Actors work based on messages, concurrently.
>> I find actors and channels much similar, may be I'm wrong here. Any help
>> would be really good.
>> Thanks,
>> Anto;
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